Principal's News
Welcome to Week 8
Welcome everyone. Congratulations to all of our students, staff, parent helpers and Miss Roberts for a successful and exciting Sports Day. The weather was amazing and the behaviour and sportsmanship of our students on the day was excellent.
Congratulations to all of our selected students who are will be Attending the Cumberland Sports Day on Tuesday 13th June. These students will definitely be able to display the school 3 Expectations on the day.
A special thank you is also extended to our P & C who organised a Coffee Van for parents, carers, community members and teachers. The P & C Stall was a great success on Sports Day.
Reminder:- P & C Disco—Theme is 80’s Fluro—June 9th. Please support the disco and come with your child to dance and have fun. If you have some spare time on Thursday or Friday the P & C would welcome some helpers to decorate the hall.
Week 8 will be focusing on learning and completing assessment for teachers. Students are trying to finish their work and tasks for staff. Please support your child’s teacher by reminding your child about the PBL expectations in our school. Be a learner is one of these expectations.
Students continue to work hard in all classes. Please continue to support our staff and encourage your child to be persistent with their learning tasks and complete them to the best of their ability. Teachers are very busy at the moment finishing assessment tasks. Students who try hard to complete all of their work support staff during this busy period of the term.
As I visit classrooms each day it is always pleasing to see students learning. It is important to always ask permission to leave your classroom. Being safe in our school means being in the right place at the right time.
As we enter into the cooler months I have noticed a lot of lost property around the school. Jumpers need be named as well as lunch boxes. There are quite a few lunch boxes left in the UCA at the end of each day. Many of these are not named and as they are quite expensive it is disappointing to see them left at school.
Our Leap into Pioneer Maths was an extension program that was offered last Thursday to our year 6 students. They all had a very successful experience. Thank you to Mrs Adjurn for supporting the students at this program.
Please note that our short PBL Parade will be held every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Our key message this week is being RESPECTFUL. USE YOUR MANNERS AND SAY PLEASE AND THANK YOU. We are also reminding students about using kind words rather than their hands, feet or objects.
Before school reading is Tuesday and Friday mornings. Thank you to those parents who are volunteering from 8:30-8:45 am.
- Rewards Day will be on Wednesday week 10 . Beach Games Prep-3 and Skate Park Years 4 –6. All students are working very hard to earn 25 Tokens by the end of week 9.
- Cumberland Sports—Tuesday 13th June
- NAIDOC Celebrations—Thursday Week 9 June 15th starting at 2 pm
- Community Breakfast Week 10 June 20th starting at 7:15 am
- Mackay Show Holiday June 22nd
Angie Malone. Acting Principal
CONGRATULATIONS to our students this week:
Nikolai, Elyse, Odin, Skyla, Remi, Amber & Eliza.
Attendance Wheel:
PYA Jesse - Handball P/1B Chase - Post It Notes 1C Scarlett - Water bottle 2A Leearni - Handball 2/3B Elora - Post it Notes 3A Dakota - Rubbers 4A Leo - Pen 5A Kylah - Playdough 5/6A Seth - Hot Wheels
PBL Expectation - Week 7 & 8
- Be Respectful
- Speak politely to all others
- Use appropriate language at all times
- Speak calmly when talking to other students and staff
- Using kind words towards our staff, friends and peers
Our Year 6 parents & carers are advised to get onboard and visit
Register online for qparsnts, then scan to download the free app to be ready prior to your child commencing high school. At high school, it will be the main source of communication: Absences, Change of Details, Forms, Report Cards, the list goes on.
All of our parents / carers of other year levels are encouraged to adopt this as well. Please complete at your earliest convenience.
Should you require your child's EQ id number (10 digits & 1 letter) to complete this, please do not hesitate to see the ladies in the school office.
Help for QParents FAQ

Sports Day!
Thank you to all families who came along to cheer our students last Friday for our Annual Sports Day! We had a lovely day with lots of students in house colours and costumes.
Congratulations to all Age Champions. Well Done!
A BIG THANK YOU to Miss Roberts. The day ran smoothly. Thank you also to parents who helped on the day - either on the food stall or helping with events. Thank you to all who helped put up the marquees and take them down again.
The Winning House for the day - Lindeman!
Hook House won the Ball Games events.
My New Gallery
Parent Reminders:
- Next Thursday - 22nd June - Show Day Public Holiday
- Friday 23rd June - last day of term.
- Monday 10th July - First day Term 3
- Bike Ed lessons for all Year 4 students. Week 3, Term 3. Fee $15. Please pay by Monday 24th July.
- Year 5 & 6 camp. Deposit of $50 due by end of this term. Thank you to all who have paid :)
LEAP into Pioneer
Last Thursday, ten Year 6 students participated in the Learning Excellence at Pioneer (LEAP) program at Pioneer High School along with students from Andergrove and Beaconsfield Primary Schools. The program aims to develop students' higher order thinking skills and exposes them to a range of enrichment opportunities in preparation for high school.
This terms discipline area was Maths. A huge Congratulations to our boys Jacob Lyon and Seth Lowis for achieving the highest score out of the whole group at the end of the day.
The students enjoyed Pizza on arrival and briefly caught up with previous students before returning to school.
My New Gallery
P & C - Disco
Disco this Friday evening 5:30pm - 7:00pm 80s FLURO theme!
- Please bring $2 for entry. Glow sticks stall - cash only. EFTPOS available for food and drinks.
See you there!!
School holidays events
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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