Newsletter 90 - 26 March 2025
Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 9!
Congratulations to Thayne Hyde, Angella Lyons, Cameron Ottone and Willow Muller for your selection in the LEAP Program this term at Pioneer State High School.
As a whole school we celebrated Harmony Day on Friday 21st of March. This is a day of respect and appreciation for everyone who calls Australia home. Harmony is about happily working together and getting along without any big problems. Harmony is about including everyone, respecting others and making sure that everyone feels like they belong.
Mrs Geiger has also been teaching lessons around Bullying in our upper school classes.
Thank you to Mrs Geiger for all of her organisation with our successful Cross Country. Congratulations to all students who ran the different distances and participated. All students tried very hard and displayed excellent sportsmanship.
Our younger students enjoyed their obstacle course.
Thank you to all parents and community who came to watch the Cross Country and the Obstacle Course.
Mr Martin did an excellent job trying to mow the morning of the various events. Thank you, Mr Martin, for your hard work. The rain has made the grass long and difficult to mow.
A huge thank you is also extended to our P and C. They have provided iceblocks, oranges and sold drinks at the Cross-Country event.
Clean up Australia is 28th March – Slade Point will be conducting class activities on Friday. Thank you, Miss Armstrong, for organising this.
Our Sladey Celebration Day is – Movie and popcorn (wear your PJ’s). This is on Wednesday 2nd April. This is a change of date due to the Gala Day being held on Thursday for our upper school students.
Please get ready for our annual Easter Hat Parade. This will be held on the last day of term one. Students are asked to make their Easter Hat at home. The date is Friday April the 4th at 1:45pm.
All community, carers and parents are invited to our Easter Hat Parade.
Children and parents are kindly asked to prepare, make and craft each child’s Easter Hat at home.
All year levels will have the opportunity to participate. Each class will parade around a marked circle in the hall.
The Easter Bonnet Parade will start at 1:45 pm in the hall. The Pheasant Street gate will be open at 1:40 pm.
1. 1:40 pm Kindy Class, Prep, Prep-1 and Year 1-2 (they will be assisted by our year 6 class as student leaders in our school).
2. Year 2
3. Year 3
4. Year 3-4
5. Year 4
6. Year 5
7. Year 6
At the conclusion of the Easter Hat Parade class teachers will walk classes to the UCA for a small parade.
2:30-2:50 pm UCA
- Holiday Messages
- Drawing of the P and C Easter Raffle
AMENDED SPORTS DAY DATE – Friday 30th May week 6.
I am very excited to announce that our school will be taking part in Wakakirri again. Miss Jade will be working with students in year 4, year 5 and year 6. This week Miss Jade has started preparing for the story and theme “Mind over Matter”. Miss Jade will begin working on the dance with students in week 8 and week 10.
Please Note: Wakakirri is not an in-school activity. Rehearsals this year will be during lunch time (Monday), after school and on weekends.
Wakakirri rehearsal will be on a Monday at first break in the hall. A note will be coming out soon to explain Wakakirri and let students and families know about after school and weekend rehearsals.
Please Note: that Awakening Sprits will be planned for March 12th, 2026. This is due to the MECC being booked this year.
The CAID program will still go ahead this year. Slade Point will have Uncle Patrick visiting in Term 2 on Wednesdays. Miss Jade will be supporting. Review of choreography will start in Term 4 for the Awakening Spirits in 2026.
ANZAC DAY MARCH we will be organising our attendance at the ANZAC Day Community March held on 25th March. Please see attached maps if you are attending this year.
Traditionally our school joins the city parade and marches to the MECC to honour those who have served to protect and keep our country safe. Our school captains lay a wreath as part of the ceremony that follows the march. I encourage as many students as possible to join our school for this march on Friday 25th April.
Important Details for parents and students: Our school will assemble from 8 am, start the march at 8:35am and complete it by about 9:15 am. The pick-up point will be at Mackay Central School.
Caneland Central drop off area: - Enter and exit via River Street and Matsuura Drive. Be at G13 by 8 am.
Car Park Assemble: - Slade Point State School G13
School Dispersal and Pick up: - Slade Point is number 26. It is just at the front of Mackay Central School (across from the MECC). Estimated time is 9:15 am.
Road closures: Road closures will be in place along the parade route. Please adhere to all roadside signage and instructions. The Mangrove Road and Milton Street intersection will be closed from 8am. Please allow plenty of time to get to the Caneland Central car park.
This year, primary and high school students, veterans, Navy, Army and Airforce cadets and youth groups, will assemble in the undercover car park behind Caneland Central Shopping Centre. The march will commence from this location and travel along Victoria Street and Wellington and Alfred streets.
Our School ANZAC Day Ceremony is Tuesday 22nd April - first day of term two. The ceremony starts at 8:45 am in the hall. All parents and carers are invited.
Year 5 and 6 students will leave for camp after the ANZAC Day Ceremony is finished.
A note will be coming home this week.
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held next Monday 31st March in the Library. A note has been sent home. This year teachers will be requesting interviews with parents and carers.
New things Happening in the School and New Ideas: -
Gala Day: Thursday 3rd April - touch football. (Years 3 & 4, Years 5 & 6 students). Mrs Geiger has sent out a note.
National Family Reading Month is the Month of May.
Upcoming Cutters visits with our Year 1, Year 3, Year 3-4 and Year 4 classes.
Book Fair: 12th - 16th August.
The Deadly Choices Team will work with our Year 2 and Year 1-2 Classes this year on a Tuesday and has been moved to term 4. It is great to have the DC Team back in our school. We look forward to seeing you in term 4.
Celebrating our Successes: - Students have already received a large number of tokens for their excellent behaviour and leaning.
Our Sladey Superstars has been very successful, and many students have received awards.
During parades, we are always celebrating the great behaviour displayed by our students. Students are presented with their 25 certificate ,50, 75 and 100 badges on parade each week.
Facilities and Maintenance: -
Our administration building will be painted. This has started in week 5. Please be mindful about safety around the painters and their equipment.
A Block will have some painting and refurbishment completed.
We are currently organising plumbing repairs for the Junior Boys toilet and for some of the slip pads that have been damaged in the school.
I am very pleased to announce that All Modular Buildings will have boarding added underneath and around the open sections. This will commence over the next few weeks.
Celebrating PBL-Positive Behaviour and Learning: -
We always celebrate the wonderful behaviour of our students at Slade Point State School. Our Sladey supermarket continues, students have the opportunity to go shopping to spend their gift vouchers. These vouchers are a great way to celebrate the wonderful behaviour of our students.
Our PBL Expectations and reminders for weeks 9 and 10: - Be Respectful
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Angie Malone
Admin notes
Admin Office Hours - 8:00am to 3:15pm
Please note - the phone may not be answered outside of these hours.
YEAR 5 & 6 CAMP -
All payments close this Friday! If payment is not received, your child cannot attend.
EMERGENCY CONTACTS - Please update your phone numbers and emergency contacts if they have changed!
LATE SLIPS - If your child arrives at school after 8:45 they will need to enter via the office and collect a late slip for their teacher.
P & C

Parent Teacher Interviews
All day |
Afternoon Tunes
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
Sladey Celebration Day Movie & PJ's
All day |
Touch Football Gala Day
All day |
Term 1 Ends
All day |
Easter Hat Parade
1:40 PM - 3:00 PM |
Easter Monday
All day |
5-6 Camp
22 Apr 2025 - 24 Apr 2025 |
Term 2 Starts
All day |
ANZAC Day Ceremony
8:45 AM - 9:30 AM |
All day |
ANZAC Day Community March
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
My first Year 2025
Positive Parenting Strategies
Young Engineers


FREE Kindy