From the Principal's Desk
Parade Awards
Culture Day - Tomorrow - Thursday!!!
Library Display
Pioneer Pride Students Visit
Book Week
Thank you for the Appreciation
STEM Punks
Capricornia School Sports
Swimming Carnival - Thursday 14th Sept.
BMX - Townsville
Electrical Safety Week 4 -8 September
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to week 8!
Slade Point State School is always focused on improving communication with parents/carers and staff. Every day at school is busy and full of learning opportunities. We also want to keep all of our students safe.
If you have any concerns or questions about things that are happening at school or events at school: -
- You can email or ring the school office and ask to speak to your child’s teacher.
- You can also contact a staff member at the pick-up gate in the afternoon or see a staff member in the UCA each morning.
Please check in with your child’s teacher at the pick-up gates. Teachers are always available to confirm dates or times for the various activities that your child may be involved in. Notes that are sent home will have dates, days and payment details on them, as well as the times for various activities.
Congratulations to all of our year 5 and year 6 students who participated in STEM PUNKS. This was a free 1-day workshop. I would like to personally acknowledge and thank, Emilie Jane Fitzpatrick from DALRYMPLE BAY COAL TERMINAL PTY LTD. Emilie recommended our school for this workshop. I would also like to thank the main facilitator of this workshop Mr Johnathan Nalder.
Culture Day will be held on Thursday 31st August. I would like to thank all of the teachers, Aunty Waveney, Aunty Vik and Chappy Peter for their tireless work around preparing for Culture Day. Please note these reminders.
- All carers, parents and community are welcome;
- Try to dress in your classes culture;
- Children to bring a packed lunch for 10:45 normal lunch and play;
- Bring food to share and this will happen at 1:00 pm in UCA;
- Pop up 2nd hand stall under C Block (bring some $1 $2 and 50 cent coins, $5 notes)- selling 2nd hand clothes, book covers for next year, 2nd hand books;
- The concert starts at 9 am in the hall (all welcome)- finishes around 10:30 am;
- Rotational Activities start at 11:30 am-12:45 pm – continue at 1:30 pm -2:30 pm (all welcome);
- Please stay to help pack up at 2:30 pm;
We are very excited to announce that a camp letter will be coming home with the year 5 and year 6 students. We would also like to thank the P and C for funding the bus to camp. It is appreciated!!!
Please note the messages around camp payments. If you have not paid your $50 deposit, please do so as soon as possible.
Final payment - is $74 if you have paid the $50 deposit already.
Due Date for final payment – Friday, October 13.
If you have any further questions regarding camp, please see Miss Usher or Miss Blackman. You can email or ring the school office and ask to speak to your child’s teacher. You can also contact a staff member at the pick-up gate in the afternoon or see a staff member in the UCA each morning.
Road Safety REMINDERS. All students need to wear bike helmets if they are riding to school. Please help all students to be safe on the roads by supporting this very important safety message.
Please use the main crossing in front of the school at all times and abide by the road signs for speed limits.
Crossing Pheasant Street in the afternoons can be very dangerous. Please remind your child to ask a staff member at the pick-up gates to help them. If parents and carers are parked across from the school on Pheasant Street, please walk across the road to collect your child. As mentioned, staff can assist your child, especially if you have small children in the car.
Uncle Patrick is back to complete the dance he taught our Year 5 and Year 6 students at the start of the year. He is working with the students on Mondays at 9 am and the dates are listed below: - (this will entail leaving parade a little bit earlier, from 9 am).
SEPT - 4th
OCT - 9th
We will be confirming our participation in Awakening Spirits, 18th October at the MECC. This will be an opportunity for our students to perform their dance to other schools, parents and carers. All of our parents and community are invited. Tickets will need to be purchased. Enquiries via the MECC Ticketing Box.
We are seeking all Prep students for 2024. You are invited to Slade Point State School’s getting to know you sessions or they are better known as READY SET PREP.
We would like to help transition your child into their first year of schooling and allow you the opportunity to find out how you can participate in their learning.
A 4-week program plus a parents and carers, meeting is being held at Slade Point State School. We are strongly encouraging a parent to attend with their child.
The dates are all Thursdays- Time: 1:45 pm-2.30pm:
- 5th October;
- 12th October;
- 19th October and;
- Concluding, Thursday 26th October
Interviews held, 9th and 16th November. Start booking now-Ring 49657333
The Parent Information meeting will be 2nd November at 2:00 pm. This program is open to ALL 2024 Prep aged students. Children must be born between 1st July 2018-30th June 2019
It is exciting to inform all parents and carers of our year 6 students that I have already received a number of scholarship applications. I am strongly supporting the partnership work that Slade Point and Pioneer High School have been establishing around scholarships and the extension program “Leap into Pioneer”- As a recipient of a Scholarship, this student is entitled to:
- $200 credit per year on the student account for 3 years (Years 7-9)
-One-off $200 per LOWES VOUCHER for School Uniforms.
- Free entry into national Academic Competitions.
-Name on the School’s Scholarship Honour Roll.
- Entry into the Schools Learning Excellence at Pioneer (LEAP) Enrichment program.
Please note that our short PBL Parade will be held every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Our key message this week is reminding students about the school expectation:
BE RESPECTFUL- please support all staff at the school and remind your child to always follow instructions. Students are forgetting that at the end of play they need to line up and show they can come in off the playground.
Please support the P and C Father’s Day Stall on Wednesday 30th August (today). All money must be handed to the classroom teacher (preferably in a named envelope). The P and C will prepare a timetable for the classes to visit the stall. I would like to thank the P and C for preparing this stall.
Prep Mrs Tasi | Mexico |
Prep / 1 Miss O’Mara | Ireland |
Year 1 Mrs Matulovic | Kenya (Africa) |
Year 2 Miss Causon | Africa |
Year 2 / 3 Miss Hodson | Italy |
Year 3 Miss Thorpe | Polynesian Cultures |
Year 4 Miss Sandrey | Māori culture |
Year 5 Miss Usher | Spain |
Year 6 Miss Blackman | America |
Term Three Events: -
- Pioneer Year 7 Scholarships due back on the 15th September;
- Pioneer State High School Year 6 Interviews TBC week 8;
- Book Week Parade-week 7, 23rd August 9 am in the hall (all parents, carers and community welcome). Dress as your favourite book character. Students walk in the parade with their books.
- Father’s Day Stall – Week 8, Wednesday 30th August (BRING MONEY IN A NAMED ENVELOPE);
- Culture Day- week 8, 31st August (all parents, carers and community welcome);
- Gala Day basketball- week 10, 11th September (parents are responsible for transport, packed lunch required)
- Rewards-Celebration Day-Lawn Bowls - week 10 Tuesday 12th September
- Community Breakfast — will be held in the 4th term;
- Pupil Free Day Friday 1st September — School is Closed;
- Swimming Carnival– week 10 Thursday 14th September – parents, carers and community all welcome to attend the Memorial Pool;
- Last day of term 3-week 10 Friday 15th September;
Term Four Save this Date: -
- Life Education “Talk About It” 11th October, Year 5 and Year 6 Students only
- Ready Set Prep 5th October, 12th October, 19th October and concluding Thursday 26th October;
- Year 5 and Year 6 Camp- Week 8 – Seaforth Outdoor Recreation Centre; Donations for morning and afternoon students are kindly requested to bring (Boys-Fruit) (Girls-Baked Items/biscuits). The students will be leaving on Wednesday and arriving back on Friday at 2:50 pm. Final payment to be confirmed;
- Community Breakfast – week 6 - 7th November;
- Remembrance Day Parade- week – 10th November 10:15-10:45 in the hall (all welcome)
- Awards Morning -week 10, Monday 4th December;
- Year 6 Graduation-week 10 - Wednesday evening 6th December (Mackay Surf Club) 6:30 pm $17.50 per person Dinner and Dessert;
- All 2024 Year 7 students attend a full orientation day at PSH Tuesday-week 9 28th of November 8:30 am to 2:30 pm;
- First Nations Students Pioneer High School Transitions will be in weeks, 2, 3,4,5,6 in the morning session only. Students will be transported in a taxi from Slade Point State school and will have to return a permission note.
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Angie Malone
Acting Principal
Parade Awards
Student of the Week 7: Dashawn, Harlyn, Scarlett, Demi, Dominc B, Jyah, Teale and Katerina.
Wheel of Attendnace - Week 8: Blair, Malachi, Bailey, Areia, Ben, Milly, Angella, Amelia & Chris.
My New Gallery
Culture Day - Tomorrow - Thursday!!!
Check out what's on - when and where! Hope to see you all here!
Library Display
Thank you ladies for the great library display once again promoting Book Week!
Pioneer Pride Students Visit
Thank you to the Pioneer Pride students who visited SPSS on Wednesday. Pioneer Pride helped judge at the book week parade and then ran book week activities in junior school classrooms.
My New Gallery
Book Week
Wow, so many creative ideas and costumes for Book Week. Well done to all the students, staff that dressed up as their book character. Thanks for the parents for being so organised.
My New Gallery
Thank you for the Appreciation
On behalf of the Cleaners, Mr Bailey, Teacher Aides, Chappy Peter, Miss Jade, Mrs Reck and myself we would like to say thank you to the staff and students for you kind words, gift and morning tea on Monday. It was an absolute pleasure to be present at parade. It is so nice to be acknowledged and appreciated!
Miss Lynn
My New Gallery
STEM Punks
Please find th Collage created yesterday for commemorating our STEM PUNKS Day.
STEM PUNK's Facilitator Mr Johnathon Nalder commented about our Year 5 and 6 students yesterday.
'Such a great day with your teachers and students today. We were very impressed with the team work and creativity, as well as their micecraft skills.
Capricornia School Sports
We have the pleasure to inform you the following students have been selected to represent Capricornia School Sport in 2023.
Track & Field 10-12yrs Christopher Ebsworth
Track & Field 10-12yrs Seth Lowis (Withdrawn)
Swimming Carnival - Thursday 14th Sept.
Please return you consent forms and nominations forms to your class teacher. No consent form no participation at the Memorial Pool.
Thank you to the parents and students who attended a pre-enrolment interview here this week.
Save the date: Orientation Day - Week 10 Term 4 - Tuesday 5th December
Students CAN NOT attend Orientation Day if they have not completed their pre-enrolment meeting with Pioneer State High School.
BMX - Townsville
Last weekend two of our students, Jackson and Brinley travelled with their family up to Townsville and completed in Round 6 of Auscycling BMX Qld state series.
Overall Brinley cane 1st in Sprocket 7 girls. Jacson came 4th 10yr boys and 5th in the overall Qld series (he accumulated points over 6 carnivals around Qld throughout the year - (Gladstone R1/R2, Bayside R3, Hinterland R4 and Mackay R5).
Now the countdown is on for Qld State Championships in Gympie in the school holidays, where they will go up against 30 other children from across the state for the honour to wear a Qld number plate.
Good luck to both Brinley and Jackson in the State Titles.
My New Gallery
Electrical Safety Week 4 -8 September
Safety Heroes is an educational program that helps primary school students how electricity works and how to behave safely around elextricity and electrical equipment.
Some lessons have the potential to spark scientific curiosity. For fun activities your kids can do with you at home, visit
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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