Principal News
14th June 2023 Welcome to Week 9
Welcome everyone. Thank you to the P & C for an amazing Disco! It was a great evening and all of the children looked fantastic in their Fluro and 80’s outfits. Thank you to all parents and carers for supporting the disco. The P & C have were very happy with the evening and the funds raised.
This Thursday the 15th June we will be having NAIDOC celebrations on the oval. Parents and carers and all of the community are invited. Please assemble in the UCA at 1:45 pm. The Pheasant Street gates will be open for visitors.
We wish all of our Slade Point State School students the very best, as they compete at the Cumberland Sports Day today.
Please note that our short PBL Parade will be held every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Our key message this week is: BE A LEARNER. Students will need to keep trying very hard with their school work and completing assessments this week.
Our school is always focused on improving the attendance of our students. Every day at school is busy and full of learning opportunities. You cannot learn when you are not here to learn. Punctual and consistent attendance will allow your child to develop skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. A consistent school attendance schedule will provide many unique benefits for your child’s life, including:
Structure. When your child regularly engages in the same activities, they will be more likely to develop structure.
Achievement. Students who regularly attend class are more likely to pass reading and math assessments than students who don’t.
Language skills. Younger students are exposed to classes and activities that are crucial for developing language.
Social skills. Children will participate in many social situations that are vital for understanding the world around them.
Let’s all work together during semester two to see if we can lift the attendance rate for all classes to 90%. At school, on time, every day!
Report cards will be distributed on Wednesday 21st June.
- Rewards Day will be on Wednesday week 10 . Beach Games Prep-3 and Skate Park Years 4 –6. All students are working very hard to earn 25 Tokens by the end of week 9.
- Community Breakfast Week 10 June 20th starting at 7:15 am
- Mackay Show Holiday Thursday June 22nd
- Friday 23rd June is last day of term 2.
- School starts for Term 3 Monday 10th July.
Angela Malone. Acting Principal
My New Gallery
WHITSUNDAY VOICES - Friday 14th July - Week 1 Term 3.
Consent forms were sent home Tuesday to particapting classes. Please return the completed form and payment ($8.00) if you wish your child to attend. We have limited spaces so please be prompt.
Please donate a pack of 'zooper Doopers' for our year 5 & 6 students to fundraise for their camp this year. Please drop off at the office or the Yr 5/6 classroom. Thank you.
There is NO Homework Program in week 10. Wednesday 21st June.
There will not be breakfast available next Friday 23rd June. The tuckshop will be closed the last day of term.
Parents, please respond to the appointment requests - the van will leave soon if appointments are not made. Ph: 4885 6451
The P & C will provide a sausage sizzle on the day. Your child will still require lunch and a water bottle please.
YEAR 5 & 6 CAMP:
Please pay the $50 deposit by next Friday 23rd June if your child will be attending the camp.
Year 4 students will be attending week 3, term 3. Payment of $15 to be returned asap please.
Student Awards
Congratulations to our Students of the Week:
Malcolm, Aster, Maxon, Brinley, Shaiakiel, Chase D, Havilah, Phoebe, Seth C and Chris.
Congratulations to students who received gold badges for 100 PBL tokens, silver badges for 75 tokens, sapphire badges for 50 tokens and also certificate for 25 tokens.
My New Gallery
PBL Rewards Activity - Wednesday 21st June 2023
Any student who has received 25 PBL tokens or more this term are invited to attend - providing their consent form is returned to their class teacher by Monday 19th June.
Year 5 & 6 Leadership Program
The Year 5 & 6 Leadership Program is now complete for this term. The students have been visiting My School, C & K Kindy and the Slade Point Community Gardens for one afternoon each week. Good behaviour was expected while visiting these areas.
P and C News
Hi everyone
We are seeking someone to learn the Treasurer role from our present Treasurer, the wonderful Kay, as she will not be able to continue in this role next year.
Learning the process from our amazing Treasurer for the rest of this year will give a new person the experience to continue.
Please consider if you would like to become our 2024 Treasurer.
P and C School Disco
Thank you for everyone for supporting the 80's / Fluro Disco at the school last Friday night.
Everyone sure does love a good dress up and it showed on the night with all of the amazing and colourful customes. Great job.
Our lucky prize winner was Tanahlia from the Prep class.
Once again thank to all parents and school staff for the help we received. None of these fun nights could happen without support for all of the little and big jobs. We are so very grateful!
My New Gallery
Cumberland Trials - Wednesday 14th June
Good luck to all our students who are participating today at the ARC in various events.
We look forward to hearing all about your day!
Information will be in next week's newsletter.
Return of Berky the Brush Turkey
Berky the Brush turkey came back to visit the Grade 1's recently to help out with puppet making for their technology unit. Berky also visited the library at lunch time to read to the children. Berky, you are a star and we loved having you visit us!
My New Gallery
NAIDOC Celebration - 2023
All parents / carers and the community are welcome to join us for our NAIDOC Celebrations on 15th June.
Community News
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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