24 January Newsletter 41 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 1 (first week of learning)
Principal messages
Welcome back. It was exciting to see all our students return on Monday. Parade will start in week 2. Thank you to our amazing parents and carers for your support at the start of a busy 2024. We would also like to acknowledge all the hard work that parents and carers spend preparing your child to start school. It was very pleasing to see books and stationery named clearly.
2024 will be another year filled with learning and exciting activities. We would like to welcome all new students and their families to our wonderful school.
Students have settled in very well over the past few days. Teachers have been terribly busy over the holidays ensuring classrooms are ready for the start of 2024. Thank you to all our dedicated teachers. Thank you to all of our cleaners for working so hard on preparing our school grounds and rooms. Our office staff have also been providing support and assistance to all of our parents and community over the last few days.
Year 4, 5 and year 6 students will be participating in the Library Monitor Program again this year. Mrs Peach and Mrs Bishop will be handing out application forms over the next few weeks.
Congratulation to our school leaders. We will notify all parents and community about when the Leadership Parade will be held.
School Captains: - Kyla Pershouse and Katayah Collins
School Vice-Captains- Jessica Moore, Shayla Adjrun
Hayman Sports House Captains- Bella-Jayne Nyborg, Georgia Turton
Hook Sports House Captains-Maddison Ford, Xzavier Day
Lindeman Sports House Captains-Phoebe brown, Zach Ison
Student enrolment numbers. Day 8 is when student enrolment numbers are crunched by the Department. Our numbers are higher than last year. Day 8 numbers need to be confirmed on Thursday 1st February. We have large classes in the upper school. Thank you to all of families and carers for your support at Slade Point State School.
I am extremely excited to announce that new 2-3 playground construction will commence on the 18th of March.
We are still waiting for materials from Townsville to achieve the completion of our new Disability Toilet. There has been considerable work undertaken on the toilet this week. Thank you to all parents, carers, students and the community for your understanding in regard to this matter.
Hat for Learning-name on hats and lunch boxes please
‘Hat for Learning’. All students require a hat at school every day for learning. Learning may include outdoor lessons, e.g., Science, Math, PE lessons. It may also include special school events. The library is also closed at second break, so all students are on the oval and need a hat for Sun Safety. School hats are available at the Tuckshop/Uniform Shop daily from 8-1pm for $20. Please ensure your child’s hat is clearly named. When transitioning to play from the UCA we are encouraging all students to wear their hat and not hold them in their hands. Sometimes hats are dropped while walking and also hats are being swung around and may hit other students.
Thank you to our P and C who have provided hats for all of our Preps!
A friendly reminder to all parents and carers– Please name all of your child's belongings. Toys are not to be brought to school. Earrings that are safe to wear at school are – small studs, small sleepers and a watch (not a smart watch).
All student phones must be delivered to the office at the start of the day and they can be collected at the end of the day. Phones on the school grounds. Please do not turn phones on in the school grounds.
Please check the School Prospectus for more details about jewellery and phones at school
Welcome New Staff
On behalf of all of our Slade Point State Primary School Staff, I would like to welcome Mrs Marianne Moroney, who will be teaching Prep with Mrs Emily Phillips. Ms Maree Caracciolo and Ms Lisa Vendenberg will be teaching and supporting students in various classrooms. Miss Jessica Ruff and Miss Emily Austin are new teacher aides in our school.
Pick up time – Parents please remember to Be Safe at the end of the school day. Signs clearly label the BUS stop – where parents are NOT to park thanks. Also, if you are using the STOP DROP GO in Pheasant Street – stay in your car and move forward as cars leave. Please be mindful of students crossing the road. Constable Sam Taylor – our Adopt-a-Cop will be visiting at times to support the safety of everyone at pick up time. Thank you for waiting patiently, as the rush passes quickly.
A reminder to not park in the school grounds or in front of the office.
Cross Country will be Friday 15th March which is week 8. Miss Roberts will have training Monday and Wednesday every odd week leading up to Cross Country. Training will start week 3 Monday 8:10 am.
A massive thank you is extended to Eat Up Mackay (Michelle Casper – co Ordinator) and Port of Mackay Rotary for providing 40 sandwiches on the following dates. These sandwiches help support our students and families. Friday 2 Feb, Friday 16 Feb, Friday 1 March, Friday 11 March.
Save these dates: - Check Facebook posts from the school and P and C. Always ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
2nd February - Parent / Carer information sessions week 2 Monday, (Prep, Prep-1, Year 1, Year 2, Year 2-3 all at 2:50-3:30 pm in classrooms), (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5-6 and Year 6 3:20-3:50 pm in classrooms). A note will go out about these sessions from your child’s class teacher. Alternatively, check the school Facebook posts for times;
Beginners for Instrumental will be doing QuickStart Lessons in week 2. Mrs Henderson will forward information to parents and careers.
All regular Instrumental lessons and Ensemble rehearsals will then commence in Week 3.
7th February - RI for Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 starts in Week 3.
6th February - GRIP at the MECC. School leaders only;
6th February - School Photos (all students need to be in school uniform). A timetable will be organised at school. Please do not ring the office to find out times for photos. Your child’s teacher will have a time. The school will send out the Photo Timetable in the Newsletter and on Face Book. These times will be confirmed over the next few weeks and watch Facebook posts for reminders.
Meet and Greet Ensemble will be in Week 3.
15th March – Cross Country (all parents, carers and families are invited) – times will be confirmed; Training before school will be confirmed
13th-18th March - NAPLAN for Year 3 and Year 5;
19th March – Community Breakfast 7:00 am to 8:00 am. All invitations will be distributed to our community and groups;
22nd March - Super Playgroup in the hall at 9 am to 11 am. All parents, carers, the tcommunity and younger children are invited;
26th March Afternoon Tunes in the hall, at 3 pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
28th March - Easter Hat 28th in the undercover area at 1:30 pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
28th March Sladey Celebration Movie Day in our local school Movie Theater at TBC times. Children can wear their PJs to school.
Future Dates: -
29th August – Culture Day. All parents, the community and families are invited. Please always check Face Book and our school sign to confirm times and dates.
Safe Parking
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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