Newsletter 42 January 31st 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 2
Principal Messages
Welcome to an amazing term so far.
Thank you to all of the parents and families who attended Parent and Teacher Information Sessions on Monday 29th January. It was lovely to meet parents in classrooms. This was a great oppertunity for you to strengthen relationships with your child's teacher and to clarify routines. We especially encourage parents and carers to support older children in years 4-6 to establish good routines for high school and independence. A good routine to support, is to encourage your child to hand back notes on time.
Our Leadership Parade will be in Week 3 on Monday 5th February. All community, parents and families are invited. Badges will be presented to our new School Captains at this parade.
- School Captains: Kylah Pershouse and Katayah Collins
- School Vice-Captains: Jessica Moore and Shayla Adjrun
- Hayman Sports House Captains: Bella-Jayne Nyborg and Georgia Turton
- Hook Sports House Captains: Maddison Ford and Xzavier Day
- Lindeman Sports House Captains: Pheobe Brown and Zach Ison
A reminder that all parents and carers are invited to attend parade in the Hall from 8:45-9:15am Mondays. We started this week with some great prizes being handed out for our "Wheel of Attendance" spin to win. To be in the draw your child has to attend school every day. We also acknowledged our first week of Sladey Stars. All of our students are working hard to always display our school expectations- Be Safe, Be a learner, and Be Respectful.
Thank you to all parents and carers for making the atmosphere in the undercover area happy, fun and a calm place for children to start their day. We appreciate the positive routine you are establishing by saying goodbye to your child when teachers arrive to walk to the classroom.
Before school routine for handball: We are currently reviewing handball rules before school and will continue to support our students going to the library to read. Reading in the library will start next week. On Monday Miss Armstrong will support our Year 1 and 2 students to walk to the library to read a book to Mrs Bishop and Ms Yates. We hope to have Year 3 and 4 reading on Tuesday and Year 1 on Wednesday. Year 4 and Year 2 will be on Thursday and Year 3 on Friday.
Student enrolment numbers: DAY 8 is when student enrolment numbers are crunched by the Department. Our numbers are higher than last year. Day 8 numbers need to be confirmed on Thursday 1st February. We have large classes in the upper school. Thank you to all families and carers for your support at Slade Point State School.
Now that building contractors have completed their work, the scaffolding has been removed from the area near the Undercover Building. This will assist our year 2-3 students to walk to their play area.
With all of the hot weather a friendly reminder - Hat for Learning - Name on hats and Lunchboxes please
'Hat for Learning'. All students require a HAT at school every day for learning. Learning may include outdoor lessons, e.g. Science, Math, PE lessons. It may also include special school events. The library is also closed at second break, so all students are on the Oval and need a hat for Sun Safety. School hats are available at the Tuckshop/Uniform Shop daily from 8am-9am or Wed, Thu,Fri 8am-1pm for $20. Please ensure your child's hat is clearly named. When transitioning to play from the UCA we are encouraging all students to wear their hat and not hold them in their hands. Sometimes hats are dropped while walking and may be found in the lost property under A Block.
Phones on school grounds: All student phones must be delivered to the office at the start of the day, they must be turned off, students can collect at the end of the school day, Please do not turn phones on in the school grounds. Please check the School Prospectus for more details about phones and jewellery at school.
A reminder to not park in the school grounds or in front of the office
Save these dates:- Check facebook posts from the School and P&C. Always ask your child's teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates in the afternoon.
Cross Country will be Friday 15th March which is week 8. Miss Roberts will have training Monday and Wednesday every odd week leading up to Cross Country. Training will start Week 3 Monday 8:10am.
Beginners for Instrumental: Miss Menzies will be doing Quick Start Lessons in week 2. Mrs Henderson will forward information to parents and carers. Miss Menzies was unwell on Tuesday. All regular Instrumental lesons and Ensemble rehearsals will then commence in Week 3.
- 6th February, Week 3 - School photos (All students need to be in school uniform) A timetable will be organised at school. Please Do Not ring the office to find out times for photos. Your child's teacher will have a time. The school will send out the Photo Timetable in the Newsletter and on Facebook. The School Leaders will have a photo early in the morning around 8:30am.
- 6th February, Week 3 - GRIP at the Mecc. School leaders only
- 7th February, Week 3 - RI for Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6
- 13th-18th March, Week 7 & 8 - NAPLAN for Year 3 and Year 5
- 15th March, Week 8 - Cross Country (All parents, Carers and families are invited) -Times will be confirmed; Training before school will be confirmed.
- 19th March, Week 9 - Community Breakfast 7:00am-8:00am All invitations will be distributed to our community and groups.
- 22nd March, Week 9 - Super playgroup in the hall at 9am to 11 am. All parents, carers the community and younger children are invited.
- 26th March, Week 10 - Afternoon Tunes in the hall, at 3pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
- 28th March, Week 10 - Easter Hat Parade in the UCA at 1:30pm. All parents, Carers and families are invited.
- 28th March, Week 10 - Sladey Celebration Movie Day in our local school Movie Theatre at TBC times. Children can wear their PJs to school.
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Angie Malone
8:30 | School Leaders |
8:45 | Year 6 |
9:15 | Year 5/6 |
9:45 | Prep |
10:15 | Prep -1 |
Lunch | 10:45-11:30 |
11:30 | Year 4 |
12:00 | Year 2 |
12:30 | Year 1c |
Lunch | 1:00-1:30 |
1:30 | Year 2/3 |
2:00 | Year 3 |
Student Resource Scheme
Parents, a flyer has been sent home with information regarding the fees for the 2024 SRS. Invoices have also been sent home. Payment is required by end of this term please.
Thank you to all who have already paid for 2024.
We also have some fees still outstanding fromn 2023. We advise that your child cannot receive resources (hand writing books) until the outstanding fees are paid. Thank you for your co-operation.
Parent Contact Info
Please let the school office know if you have changed your contact information since last year.
If you have changed your phone number or address or Emergency Contacts, please let us know so that we can update our system.
Wheel of Attendance Winners
Evie, Chase, Addyson, Tafea, Sophia W, Isla, Riot, Lily and Xzavier
Students of the Week
Eliana, Lincoln, Eli, Cody, Bailey, Xzavier, Chase, Cameron, Zefreano