From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 3
Thank you to all of our students who wore their school uniform on Tuesday for photos. It was lovely to see all of the students looking dressed up for their class and sibling photos.
Our Leadership Parade was a great success. Congratulations again to our school leaders. We hope that you enjoyed GRIP Leadership at the MECC on Tuesday.
School Captains: Kyla Pershouse and Katayah Collins
School Vice Captains: Jessica Moore and Shayla Adjrun
Hayman Sports House Captains: Bella-Jayne Nyborg and Georgia Turton
Hook Sports House Captains: Maddison Ford and Xzavier Day
Lindeman Sports House Captains: Pheobe Brown and Zach Ison
A reminder that all parents and carers are invited to attend parade in the Hall from 8:45-9:15am Monday mornings. All of our students are working hard to always display our school expectations - Be Safe, Be a Learner and Be Respectful. This week and next we are focusing on Being Safe. - Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Before school routine for handball: We are currently reviewing handball rules before school and will continue to support our students going to the library to read. We are also discussing other games children can play at lunch. These will be taught on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Reading in the library started this week. we have a few changes for Week 4. On Monday Miss Armstrong will support our Year 1 students to walk to the library to read a book to Mrs Bishop and Mrs Yates. We hope to have Year 2 reading on Tuesday. On Wednesday the library will be closed. Year 3 and Year 4 will be on Thursday and Year 3 on Friday.
With all of the hot weather a friendly reminder - Hat for Learning - Name on hats and lunchboxes please.
All student phones must be delivered to the office at the start of the day, they can be collected at the end of the day. Phones on the school grounds. Please do not turn phones on in the school grounds. For more information please check the School Prospectus about jewellery and phones at school.
A reminder:- Do not park in the school bus zone before 2:30pm. This prevents the Pioneer High School students from being dropped off safely at the school. The bus has to try and find a large space to park and this is very dangerous.
Cross Country will be Friday 15th March Week 8. Miss Roberts is organiksiing a note about all the training sessions and supports for Cross Country. This will clearly outline when training will be.
Please remember to check facebook posts from the school and P & C. Always ask your childs teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (Dates, Times and Venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
All regular Instrumental lessons and Ensemble rehearsals will commence in Week 3. The Meet and Greet Ensemble will also be in Week 3.
Save the Dates:
7th February, Week 3 - RI for Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
7th February, 14th February,21st February - Weeks 3, 4 and 5 Wakakirri (Miss Jade) with Yr 5/6 and yr 6.
28th February, 6th March, 13th March - Weeks 6, 7, 8 - Uncle Patrick Dancing with Yr 5/6 and yr 6.
13th-18th March, Week 7 and Week 8 - NAPLAN for Year 3 and Year 5.
15th March, Week 8 - Cross Country (all parents, carers and families are invited) - Times will be confirmed, training before school will also be confirmed.
19th March, Week 9 - Community Breakfast 7am to 8am. All invitations will be disdributed to our community and groups.
22nd March, Week 9 - Super Playgroup in the hall at 9am-11am. All parents, carers and families are invited.
26th March, Week 10 - Afternoon Tunes in the hall at 3pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
28th March, Week 10 - Easter Hat Parade in the UCA at 1:30pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
28th March, Week 10 - Sladey Celebration Movie Day in our local school movie theatre at TBC times. Children can wear their PJs to school.
2024 Student Leaders pledging their Oath
Parent Contacts
Parents, please let the school office know if you have changed your phone number or address. If we do not have your current phone number, we are unable to contact you in an emergency.
Thank you.
Year 6 shirts
We will send home a note with all year 6 students regarding the shirt order.
Please send back your note and payment as soon as possible so that we can get the order in quickly.
P & C
Come down and support the Slade Point State School P & C, who sell barista made coffee to parents and cold iced chocolate for students before school.