Newsletter 44 February 14th
Principals Desk
Welcome to Week 4
Reading before school The New Ninja Reading!
Reading in the library started this week and we have a few changes for Week 4. On Monday Miss Armstrong will support our Year 1 students to line up and walk to the library to read a book to Mrs Bishop. We hope to have Year 2 reading on Tuesday. On Wednesday the libary will be closed. Year 3 will be on Thursday and Year 4 on Friday. Mrs Yates will be helping with the reading but will be a little bit later.
Each student who reads will recieve a token for their Sports House. Adults reading with their own children will also recieve a tokens. Mrs Peach will be monitoring the points and giving us updates on Parade.
Any parent or carer is welcome to join in and read in the library with their child/children. Children are allowed to come and borrow and then return to the undercover area.
Monday Year 1
Tuesday Year 2
Wednesday Library closed. Mrs Bishop may read with Year 5.
Thursday Year 3
Friday Year 4
Breaky Club
Breaky Club is very busy and 3 of our lovely Teacher Aides are helping. Thankyou to Mrs Stocks, Mrs Yates and Mrs Dawson. Mrs Bishop also helps on Wednesdays. We are very lucky to have Breaky Club. Please encourage your child to always thank our Breaky Club Teacher Aides.
Before School Routine
Before school routine for Handball: We are currently reviewing handball rules before school and will continue to support our students going to the library to read. We are also discussing other games that students can play at lunch. These will be taught on Wednesdays and Fridays. Last Friday I had the pleasure of playing the following games with the students from 8am to 8:15am,
Stuck in the mud, What's the time Mr Wolf?, 1,2,3 Sly Fox. I will be teaching Duck, Duck Goose this week. I will teach some more games over the next few weeks. It was alot of fun on Friday Week3!!!
A reminder: that all parents and carers are invited to attend parade in the Hall from 8:45-9:15am. All of our students work hard to always diplay our school expectations - Be Safe, Be a Learner and Be Respectful. This week and next week we are focusing on Be Safe: - Keep your hands and your feet to yourself.
Our younger students continue to learn about keeping their hands and feet to themselves, sharing of school property and keeping their hats ON for play.
We have also had a lot of older students saying unkind words to each other. Please remind your child to always speak with kind words. If students are worried or concerned about a problem they are having, we always encourage them to speak to family members and trusted staff members. Please remind your child to always talk about the problems they are having with a very trusted adult.
Please check the School Prospectus for more details about jewellery and phones at school. You can also check the School Prospectus for our Slade Point School Uniform details.
This prevents the Pioneer High School students from being dropped off safely at the school. The bus has to try and find a large space to park and this is very dangerous. The Transport Department will be reviewing the parking issues on Pheasant Street.
Save these Dates: - Check Facebook posts from the P&C. Always ask your child's teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings in the UCA. or with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
21st February - Week 5 - Wakakirri (Miss Jade) with Yr 5/6 and Yr 6
28th February, 6th March, 13th March - Weeks 6,7,8 - Uncle Patrick Dancing with Yr 5/6 and Yr 6
4th March, - Week 7 - Special parade for cleaners and volunteers. (all parents, carers and families are invited).
13th-18th March - Week 7 & 8 - NAPLAN for Yr 3 and Yr 5
15th March - Week 8 - Cross Country and the Fun Run, (all parents, carers and families invited) - Timeswill be confirmed, Training before.
19th March - Week 9 - Community Breakfast 7am - 8am. All invitations will be distributed to our Community and Groups.
22nd March - Week 9 - Super playgroup in the hall 9am - 11am . All parents, carers, the community and younger children are invited.
26th March - Week 10 - Afternoon Tunes in the hall at 3pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
28th March - Week 10 - Easter Hat Parade in the UCA at 1:30pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
28th March - Week 10 - Sladey Celebration Day in our local school Movie Theatre at TBC times. Children can wear their PJ's to School.
Parade Awards
Sladey Stars
Teale, Cienna, Isla, Odin, Elyse, Eadie, Luke and Kydean
Wheel of Attendance
Caroline, Lincoln, Luna, Tennessee, Sophie, Slader, Charlie, and Seth
Bike Maintanence Club
First day of our new Bke Maintanence Club.
Only on Monday afternoons. We start off with a team building game, go through rules that we have decided on together and then we get to work on the bikes.
Today we introduced pinch points on the bike and then identifying variuos tools and how to use them.
Student Council
Are you in Yr 5 or Yr 6? We need members.
In student council we discuss what we can do for our fundraising for the year. We talk about activities that can raise money.
E.G. Free Dress Days, Disco's and of course or End of Year Awards Day and Year 6 Graduation.
If you wuld like to join us please see either Ms Causon or Mrs Malone
Congratulations Mrs Yates
A big congratulations Mrs Yates and the Mackay and District Turtle Watch Group who have received the
Mackay Environmental Achievement Award.
Cross Country
Cross Country will be Friday 15th March Week 8.
Practice each Monday and Wednesday morning of weeks 5 + 7 from 8:00am. Extra training may be offered by other staff on other days pending supervision. On Thursday the 14th March, students will be given the opportunity to walk their designated cross-country course under the supervision of their classroom teacher. This allows them to become familiar with the course before running it.
On Friday 15th March from 1:30pm sharp, all students from ages 8-12 will be running cross country. Students aged 8 will run roughly 1km, students aged 9-10 will run 2km and students aged 11-12 will run 3km. All parents and carers are invited to watch.
Students aged 5-7 will be participating in a Fun Run on the 15th March at 8:45 am. This fun run will be designed as an obstacle course for students to participate in. All students will be given a participation ribbon at the end and an ice block later in the day from the P & C. All parents and carers are welcome to come and watch.
Students aged 5-7 will remain in their classrooms when cross country is on in the afternoon.
Thank you to the P and C for providing ice blocks.
Our School P & C will be selling cold drinks at the Cross Country. Thankyou to all of our amazing parents for giving up their time to help.
There is going to be a FUN RUN FOR OUR LOWER GRADES THIS YEAR!!!
It will be on the same day as the Cross Country. More to come about this exciting event.
Chaplain News
Please support the Chaplain Easter Raffle. This raffle will raise money and funds for our School Chaplain - Peter Borg. All funds go back into supporting the funding of Chappy Peter's Role in our School. The raffle will be organised by Chappy Peter and the Student Council. The 1st prize is a BBQ with a Meat Tray donated by the Sea Breeze Tavern. There will be Easter Eggs for Smaller Prizes. Tickets will be $2 each or 3 tickets for $5
P and C
Come down and support or P & C Coffee Shop
OPEN 8am - 8:30am
Future Dates
Future Dates for your Calenders.
7th May - Mother's Day Stall - Tuesday at School, Money to be put into envelope (named)
13 - 17th May - Book Fair in Library
30th May - Field events and Long-Distance
31st May - TBC - Sports Day
19th July - P&C Disco - Dress up as your favourite Movie Character
23rd August - Book Week parade in the hall, Reading is Magic 9:45am in the hall
27th August - Father's Day Stall - Tuesday at school. Money to be put in envelope (named)
29th August - Culture Day - All parents, the community and families are invited. Please always check Facebook and our School Newsletter to confirm times and dates.
1st November - Halloween Disco
5th December - Christmas Concert
6th December - Swimming Carnival
9th December - Awards Day
11th December - Yr6 Graduation Ceremony at Mackay Surf Club ( staff, parents or carers and child to attend only)
12th December - Sladey Celebration Day and Petting Zoo
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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