Newsletter 48 -13th March
Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 8
Principal messages -
We are definitely heading into some really exciting activities for all students at Slade Point. On Friday 15th please wear green to support our Student Council. Our student council will come to all classes to collect a gold coin donation from students who wear green. Please note that all money raised goes towards our year 5 and year 6 end of year leadership activities. The tuckshop also has a special menu on Friday. A note was sent home with your child/children for pre-ordering as there will be NO other food options available on this day.
We will be having a special Easter Hat Parade on the last day of term 1. Children in Prep to Year 3 can bring an Easter Hat – made at home. The children will have a small parade in the Under Cover Area starting at 1:30 pm. They will have a chance to parade their home-made Easter Hats. Our upper school students will be attending as well. The Chappy Easter Raffle will be drawn at the conclusion of the parade. All carers, families and parents are invited. The C and K Kindy will be joining in at the start of the parade. Our senior school students in year 6 and year 5 will be helping as well.
NAPLAN will be held from Wednesday the 13th March to Thursday 21st March. NAPLAN will be organised around the 15th March for the year 5 students who are attending the Gala Day. Our Cross Country and Fun Run will not be changed as NAPLAN test times are in the morning and middle session for Year 3 and Year 5 students only.
We wish our Year 3 and Year 5 students the very best for NAPLAN.
Please note that we can no longer accept verbal permission over the phone for students to attend excursions. Signed written consent forms must be returned. This includes Cross Country notes. Please ensure that these notes are returned to your child’s class teacher. All updated medical forms need to be returned. This is a yearly requirement and we would like to thank all parents and carers who have supported the school with returning the medical form that was given out at the start of the year.
A reminder about school attendance. Everyone has a role supporting positive school attendance. Primary school is the first compulsory educational experience for Australian children. Attendance at school, especially primary school, gives children opportunities to develop the basic building blocks for learning and educational attainment, as well as social and emotional skills such as good communication, resilience and teamwork. Regular school attendance is critical to successful student outcomes, which has implications for further educational and future employment opportunities. We can’t wait to see our school reach 90% or above for our attendance each week!
Parents, please note that it is important to always check in with your child and ensure they are feeling well and able to attend school. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of illness over the last few weeks. We have had a lot of staff absent due to illness. Please ensure your child stays home if they are unwell.
Every day counts. Missing just one day a fortnight can amount to four weeks of lost learning over a year. Over their school life, this can equal one year of missed learning. When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.
Parents and carers can help foster positive attendance habits by:
· Helping their child learn the importance of punctuality and routine.
· Ensuring their child arrives on time from the start of the school day, ready to participate in learning.
· Reducing disruption to learning where possible, by planning any necessary appointments outside of school time.
· Promptly communicating any absence to the school.
· Working with the school to encourage and support regular attendance.
A special reminder about Slade Point State School hosting a Super Playgroup on the 22nd March, starting at 9 am and concluding at 11 am. The Super Playgroup will be in our hall and on the grounds around this area. Please support this special event. Aunty Wave has more information. As our Super Playgroup comes closer, our school leaders and Student Council members will be asked to help out on the morning of 22nd March. We hope to have the choir and the Senior Instrumental Group Perform also.
Our year four, five and six students have been supporting our school community by volunteering their lunch times to undertake leadership roles. Selling ice blocks on Friday afternoons is one way they support our school. A healthier option for ice-blocks will be introduced for all students to buy this Friday in week 8. If you would like your child to purchase a healthy option, please remind them that for 50c they can buy a Quelch ice-block which is made with natural fruit juice.
Thank you to all year four, five and six students for supporting the school community and taking up these highly valued leadership roles in the school.
Please make special note that our Parent-Carer and Teacher Interviews will be held in Week 10 on Monday 25th March. A booking sheet and note from your child’s teacher will be sent home over the next few days. To make a booking to speak to your child’s teacher, please check your child’s bag and ensure that this note is returned. These interviews will be held in the library. This is a wonderful opportunity to gain an update about your child’s progress for the term and to find out how to support your child’s learning.
It is wonderful to see more children receiving their 25 tokens and a certificate on parade. Congratulations!!! Our new Sladey Supermarket will be opening soon. This will be an opportunity for your child to use all of their extra tokens to buy something special at the Sladey Supermarket.
Well Done! We have so many children in the school who always follow instructions. Thank you to parents and carers for reminding your child to always follow the instructions from all staff at Slade Point State School.
Our PBL message for week 7 and week 8 – Be Safe (Remember to respect personal space and keep your hands and feet to yourself). Also, as we finish the term please support your child’s teacher and remind your child to do the their very best at learning.
Our P and C will be selling cold drinks at the Cross Country. Thank you to all of our amazing parents for giving up their time to help. Our P and C will also provide ice-blocks on the day. P and C will also give a Quelch ice-block as a healthy option to students. Please remind your child to ask for a Quelch, if you would prefer them to have this option after the Fun Run and the Cross Country. Thank you to our P and C.
Please support the Chappy Easter Raffle. This raffle will raise money and funds for our school Chappy - Peter Borg. All funds go back into supporting the funding of Chappy Peter’s role in our school. The raffle will be organised by Chappy Peter and the Student Council. The 1st Prize is a BBQ (provided by the P and C). The Meat Tray has been donated by the Sea Breeze Tavern. There will be Easter Eggs for smaller prizes. Tickets will be $2 or three tickets for $5.
Save these dates: - Check Facebook posts from the school and P and C. Always ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
14th March, term 1, week 8 – Cross Country and the Fun Run, (all parents, carers and families are invited) – times will be confirmed; Training before school from Miss Roberts has been happening in week 5. Miss Roberts will also train students in week 7.
All parents, carers and families can stay and watch.
8:45-9:00am – Prep and Prep 1
9:00-9:15am 1 and 2
13th-18th March term 1, week 7 and week 8 - NAPLAN for Year 3 and Year 5;
19th March, week 9, term 1– Community Breakfast 7:00 am to 8:00 am. All invitations will be distributed to our community and groups;
22nd March, week 9, term 1 - Super Playgroup in the hall at 9 am to 11 am. All parents, carers, the community and younger children are invited;
25th March, week 10, term 1 -Parent-Carer and Teacher Interviews.
26th March, week 10, term 1- Afternoon Tunes in the hall, at 3 pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
28th March, week 10 term 1, - Easter Hat 28th in the undercover area at 1:30 pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
28th March, week 10 term 1 - Sladey Celebration Movie Day in our local school Movie Theatre at TBC times. Children can wear their PJs to school.
28th March, week 10 term 1 – Touch Football Gala Day (more information to be sent home).
Future Dates: -
24th April, term 2, ANZAC Day Ceremony – Wednesday in the Hall. 10:15 am start. All community, parents and carers welcome;
25th April, term 2, ANZAC Day Community March – all students are invited to march;
7th May, term 2, Mother’s Day Stall – Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
31st May, term 2, TBC Sports Day and field events and long-distance 30th May;
19th July P and C Disco week 2 term 2- dress as your favourite Movie Character;
23rd August, term 3 - Book Week parade in the hall Week 7 term 3- Reading is Magic 9:45 am in the hall;
27th August, Term 3 - Father’s Day Stall. Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
29th August, week 8 – Culture Day. All parents, the community and families are invited. Please always check Face Book and our school sign to confirm times and dates.
1st November, term 4, week 5 - Halloween Disco;
5th December, term 4-week 10 - Christmas Concert;
6th December, term 4, week 10 -Swimming Carnival;
9th December, term 4, week 11 - Awards Day;
11th December, term 4, week 11 - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony Surf Club (staff, parents or carers and child to attend only);
12th December, term 4 week 11 - Sladey Celebration Day and Petting Zoo’
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Antwan and Richard
Emerald Award Winners
Melissa, Pheobe, Thomas, Axel, Larissa, Tianah, Darius, Ena, Katherine, Xzavier, Ben and Leila
Students of the Week
Lily, Aaliyah, Neveah, Tianah, Lucciano
Leap into Science
Shout Out
A big Sladey Shout Out to Felicity and Damian Brown, for mowing and cleaning up the outside of the fenceline ready for our Cross Country, you have done a great job it looks fantastic. Thank you from everyone here at Slade Point State School.
School Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 3:15pm
Student Absence Notification:
School Absence Message Line: 49657333 - leave a message. It is accessible 24/7
SMS : 0426 305 023 or email
A gentle reminder to parents / caregivers to please keep your child at home if they are unwell and please notify the school using the methods above.
Late to School:
If your child is late (after 8:45) they will need to enter through the school office to get a late slip.
2024 Student Resource Scheme (SRS)
The invoices for 2024 have been emailed to parents (week 1) and are due by the end of this term - 28th March 2024. Statements will be emailed / sent home fortnightly.
If parents wish to pay in instalments, this is welcomed. Centrepay is also available.
- Instrumental Fees. Invoices for 2024 have been generated and sent home to parents. Please note that for beginners, the Beginner Kit invoice needs to be paid before your child is able to take their instrument home.
Payments Methods:
- BPoint. Click the link on the emailed invoice to make a payment on an individual invoice with your credit card.
- QParents
- Bank Transfer - BSB: 064-707 ACCOUNT: 000 90562 Reference: Student name.
- EFT or cash payments in the School Office.
It is extremely important that family personal details such as telephone numbers, emergency contacts and home address are correct and up to date so that you can be contacted if your child is unwell or needing medical attention. It is also very important that we are aware of all medical conditions.
Please email or contact the school office to update your child's details.
Permission Forms and Medical Forms:
If your child is participating in a school excursion, we require a permission form to be completed. The form is your permission to participate and recognition that your child may need medical care while away from the school. The form asks for your emergency contact phone number and your child's doctor. The forms are part of Qld Education Department Policy.
These forms travel with the teacher and your child on the excursion and contain the information for any emergency care - ambulance or hospital. If you have not given your contact information, we are not able to let you know that your child needs medical help. If you do not supply medical information such as previous illness or injury, this can impact the medical care that your child receives.
We CANNOT accept verbal permission for excursions.
Holiday Fun
Sports sign-ons
Basketball Gala Day
15th March, term 1, week 8 -Mackay Basketball will be holding a Gala Day for BEGINNERS on Friday March 15.
🏀 Grade 5-6 Rookies Boys
🏀 Grade 5-6 Rookies Girls
More information will be sent home about a Touch Football Gala Day as well. This is on the last day for term 1.
P & C
Remember that voting for the Regional Council is this Saturday 16th March, head on down to Wren Street Hall to vote and while your there use your spare change to grab a hot sausgae off the bbq and some yummy homemade cakes and slices from the Slade Point State School Pop up stall.
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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