Newsletter 50 27March2024
From the Principals Desk
Principal messages
It is with great excitement that I am able to inform all of our school community that work on the new year 2-3 playground is completed. There is also another section for our P-1 students. All year 2, year 3 and year 1 and prep students have not had a chance to play on the two playgrounds due to scaffolding being in place. We are in communication with the playground company and hope to have this taken down today or tomorrow. We hope that all of our junior school students will be able to use the playgrounds this week.
A special acknowledgement goes out to Mrs Lois Reck and Mrs Julia Shaw who have put in years of hard work to have the new playground started and now completed.
Next term students in year 4 will be participating in the Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing Survey. More information will be given to parents in term 2. Only year 4 students will be participating and only year 4 students will receive codes to participate. Year 4 will participate in week 2 of term 2. The dates will be Monday April 22nd to Friday 26th.
Please do not park in the Bus Zone in the afternoons. This is very unsafe and the bus transporting Pioneer High School students can’t park and have the passenger disembark safely.
Mobile phones must be left in the office and can be collected at the end of the day. This is not a new process in the school and is now part of Education Queensland Policy. Please remind you child to always see Miss Tash and the phone will be safely stored in the office.
Thank you to all parents, carers and the community who supported our Super Playgroup. A special thank you is extended to Aunty Waveney, Chappy Peter, Helen Kajewski, P and C volunteers (Val, Kay and Jessie) who cooked at the BBQ on Friday. Another special thank you goes out to our school leaders and student council for helping us.
To all of the Super Playgroup team please accept our sincere appreciation for holding this amazing event at Slade Point State School on Friday the 22nd of March.
Thank you to Mrs Henderson and Miss Menzies for a beautiful afternoon of music on Tuesday 26th March. It was wonderful to see so many parents and carers present. The children played some lovely and enjoyable tunes.
Our annual Easter Hat Parade will be held this Thursday 28th at 1:30 pm in the Under Cover Area. The starting time is 1:45 pm. All parents, carers and community are invited. Our Easter Raffle winners will be announced after the parade. All students in prep to and including year 3 will be able to display their home-made Easter Hats or Bonnets.
The Easter Hat Parade starts at 1:30 pm in the UCA. There will be a marked parade area and the students in prep year 3 will be able to line up on their normal yellow lines. Our year 4’s will watch from their veranda and the year 5 and year 6 students will sit with the lower school classes to help with the parade.
Please make note of this special appreciation message to all staff, parents and carers who were able to meet at the Parent Teacher interviews on Monday the 25th March. This was a wonderful opportunity to gain an update about your child’s progress for the term and to find out how to support your child’s learning.
Our Slade Point State School PBL message for week 9 and week 10 is – Be a Learner
Be a Learner and always follow routines and listen to feedback about learning in class.
I would like to wish all families a safe and happy Easter. I am looking forward to a fun and exciting term 2. We all return to learning on Monday April the 15th.
Save these dates: - Check Facebook posts from the school and P and C. Always ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
28th March, week 10 term 1, - Easter Hat 28th in the undercover area at 1:30 pm. All parents, carers and families are invited.
DATE CHANGE 27th March, week 10 term 1 - Sladey Celebration Movie Day in our local school Movie Theatre at TBC times. Children can wear their PJs to school AND bring a pillow. PLEASE ENSURE all PJs are sun safe and pillows are named.
28th March, week 10 term 1 – Touch Football Gala Day.
Future Dates: -
15 th April, term 2, Queensland Education Wellbeing Survey for year 4 only;
24th April, term 2, ANZAC Day Ceremony – Wednesday in the Hall. 10:15 am start. All community, parents and carers welcome;
25th April, term 2, ANZAC Day Community March – all students are invited to march;
7th May, term 2, Mother’s Day Stall – Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
15th May, term 2, Religion Instruction- QuizWorx. All students who attend Religion Instruction from Year 1 to Year 6 are to attend?
31st May, term 2, TBC Sports Day and field events and long-distance 30th May (field events are usually a couple of days before Sports Day;
19th July P and C Disco week 2 term 2- dress as your favourite Movie Character;
23rd August, term 3 - Book Week parade in the hall Week 7 term 3- Reading is Magic 9:45 am in the hall;
27th August, Term 3 - Father’s Day Stall. Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
29th August, week 8 – Culture Day. All parents, the community and families are invited. Please always check Face Book and our school sign to confirm times and dates.
1st November, term 4, week 5 - Halloween Disco;
5th December, term 4-week 10 - Christmas Concert;
6th December, term 4, week 10 -Swimming Carnival;
9th December, term 4, week 11 - Awards Day;
11th December, term 4, week 11 - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony Surf Club (staff, parents or carers and child to attend only);
12th December, term 4 week 11 - Sladey Celebration Day and Petting Zoo’.
Spare Uniforms:
If you have any spare uniforms at home, please donate them to the school. Many thanks!
Student Invoices:
Please Note: ALL 2024 Student Resource Scheme invoices are now due!
If you have invoices from last year not yet paid, please contact the school office to arrange payment.
Update of Personal Details:
If you have changed your mobile number, address or emergency contacts, please advise the school office by phone or email
Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing Survey
Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing Survey
In Term 2, students in Year 4 will be asked to take part in the Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing (QEW) Survey.
We know that wellbeing and engagement are important parts of your child’s life at school. The QEW Survey is designed to measure how students view their wellbeing and engagement across different topics. The information we get from the survey helps us better understand and support our students.
An information letter will be sent out to parents and carers closer to the time. If you have any questions, please contact the school. More information, including FAQs, can be found on the Education website: (
My First Year Prep Publication
Daily Mercury Prep Photos.
Any parent or carer who is interested in purshasing a copy of the Daily Mercury for the Prep photo's please visit the Village News Agency Andergrove. Please contact the News agency directly or pop into the shop to get your copy $3
Mobile Phones
Please remind your child that if they have a Mobile phone - to bring their device to the office every morning. It needs to be switched to silent. They can collect their device when the bell rings at the end of the day. This is not a Slade Point State School Policy, it is the Queensland Education Department's Policy.
From Term 1 2024, all state school students must keep their mobile phones switched off, on silent or Do Not Disturb.
They must be handed in to the office during school hours. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, can be worn however notifications must be switched off so that phone calls, messages and other notifications cannot be sent or received during school hours.
If you would like more clarfication around this please come in and ask for a copy of Slade Point State School's Student Code of Conduct, or online via our website.
ANZAC Day 2024
Slade Point State School will be participating in the annual Community ANZAC Day march, and morning parade on April 25th.
Once again, participants will assemble and march from the Caneland Central ground level car park. Primary and high school students are to use the Caneland Central drop-off area on Matsuura Drive. The drop-off area will be operational from 8am and is located near the roundabout. Please only drop-off students in the drop-off area, so traffic can continue to flow along Matsurra Drive. There is a map attached in the news letter to see where the drop off area is and our school number for assembling in under the covered car park. Please pick up you child from Mackay Central School. We will assemble and wait in the school grounds.
We do require all students to be ready to march by 8.00am. This is so we have enough time to organise the students for the march. Parents are encouraged to view the parade and meet their child at Mackay Central State School – inside the front grounds for collection at the conclusion of the parade.
Pheasant Street Parking
It has been brought ot our attention that Parents and Carers are still parking in the Bus Zone.
This is unsafe for the children who are getting off the bus at this stop.
School Holidays
Regional Disability Expo - Mackay | |||||||||||
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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