Newsletter 51- 17 April 2024
Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 1.
Playgrounds: It is with great excitement that I am able to inform all of our school community that the work on the new year 2 & 3 playground is complete! There is also a new structure for our Prep-1 students! The lower school students have really enjoyed the new playgrounds so far. We have been notified that there is some funding available to provide more shade over the playgrounds. We will hopefully have some more news on this shortly.
Cyberbullying: A very important message this week is around cyberbullying. Please note that it is a Police matter if messages sent in texts through chat platforms are inappropriate. Cyberbullying is not acceptable. If the bullying is happening on a social platform, parents and students can consider blocking the bully and formally reporting their behaviour on the platform itself. Social media companies are obligated to keep their users safe. Police can also be informed.
AFL: It is exciting to mention that AFL is visiting our school. The AFL team worked with students on Tuesday, Year 4 and Year 2 during their PE lesson. They will also be coming to the school Friday 19th to conduct PE lessons with our Year 2 and 3 students. On Monday the 22nd our Prep to Year 3 will have more AFL Lessons. Thank you Miss Roberts, for organising this for our lower and middle scholl students. I would also like to thank the AFL Team for visiting Slade Point State School.
P&C: I would like to thank the 2023 P&C executives. We are having a special parade on Monday 22nd April to thank them for all of their hard work. All community, staff and parednts are invited to attend. We would also like to congratulate our new P&C executives, Mr Devan Brown (President), Ms Teesha White(Secretary) and Ms Valma Russell(Treasurer). Our P&C will be holding a Day for Dolly on the 10th of May. The Student Council will hold a free dress day on this day.
Uncle Patrick is back with us at Slade Point. He commences dance with the Year5 and Year6 students in Week 2 on Wednesdays. Deadly Choices are also working with our Prep and Prep1 classes, this will commence on Thursday in week 3.
Sports Day: - Friday May 24th, Term 2, Sports Day is now confirmed, field events and long-distance- 800 m, 23rd May (field events are usually a couple of days before Sports Day). Please note that our younger year levels will participate in fun activities and a sprint.
ANZAC DAY MARCH: Slade Point State School will be participating in the annual Community ANZAC Day march, and the City Morning Parade on April 25th.
Once again, participants will assemble and march from the Caneland Central ground level car park. Primary and high school students are to use the Caneland Central drop-off area on Matsuura Drive. The drop-off area will be operational from 7am and is located near the roundabout. Please only drop-off students in the drop-off area, so traffic can continue to flow along Matsurra Drive. Please pick up your child from Mackay Central School at the end of the parade. We will assemble and wait in the Mackay Central School grounds.
We do require all students to be ready to march by 8:00 am. This is so that we have enough time to organise the students for the march. Parents are encouraged to view the parade and meet their child at Mackay Central State School – inside the front grounds for collection at the conclusion of the parade.
QUEENSLAND WELLBEING SURVEY: This term students in year 4 will be participating in the Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing Survey. Parents have been given a letter. Only year 4 students will be participating and only year 4 students will receive codes to participate. Year 4 will participate in week 2 of term 2. The dates will be Monday April 22nd to Friday 26th.
BUS ZONE: Please do not park in the Bus Zone in the afternoons. This is very unsafe and the bus transporting Pioneer High School students can’t park and have the passenger disembark safely.
MOBILE PHONES: Mobile phones must be left in the office and can be collected at the end of the day. This is not a new process in the school and is now part of Education Queensland Policy. Please remind your child to always see MRS BEROS and the phone will be safely stored in the office.
Our Slade Point State School PBL message for next 2 weeks – Be a Learner, Be Respectful and Be Safe.
Save these dates: - Check Facebook posts from the school and P and C. Always ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
Future Dates: -
24th April, term 2, ANZAC Day Ceremony – Wednesday in the Hall. 10:15 am start. All community, parents and carers welcome;
25th April, term 2, ANZAC Day Community March – all students are invited to march;
10th May, term 2,” Day for Dolly”. The P and C will join with our Student Council to hold a free dress day and students will be able to purchase special food from the tuckshop.
7th May, term 2, Mother’s Day Stall – Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
15th May, term 2, Religion Instruction- QuizWorx. All students who attend Religion Instruction from Year 1 to Year 6 are to attend?
May 24th, term 2, Sports Day is now confirmed, field events and long-distance 23rd May (field events are usually a couple of days before Sports Day;
5th June, term 2, Wednesday afternoon NAIDOC Afternoon 1:30 in the UCA- 1:45 start the March 2:15 songs and speeches on the oval and dance (back in the UCA by 2:40 pm);
11th July, term 3, Thursday our first Pre Prep- Ready Set Prep morning 9:00-9:30 am in the UCA to start;
MySchool dates term 3 and term 4-
11th July, 25th July, 8th August, 22nd August, 5th September, 3rd October, 17th October, 31st October
C and K Kindy dates term 3 and term 4-
18th July, 1st August ,15th August, 12th September, 10th October, 24th October, 7th November
Parent Information Session - Thursday 14th November 9:00-9:30.
19th July P and C Disco week 2 term 2- dress as your favourite Movie Character;
23rd August, term 3 - Book Week parade in the hall Week 7 term 3- Reading is Magic 9:45 am in the hall;
27th August, Term 3 - Father’s Day Stall. Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
29th August, week 8 – Culture Day. All parents, the community and families are invited. Please always check Face Book and our school sign to confirm times and dates.
1st November, term 4, week 5 - Halloween Disco;
5th December, term 4-week 10 - Christmas Concert;
6th December, term 4, week 10 -Swimming Carnival;
9th December, term 4, week 11 - Awards Day;
11th December, term 4, week 11 - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony Surf Club (staff, parents or carers and child to attend only);
12th December, term 4 week 11 - Sladey Celebration Day and Petting Zoo’.
Parent Contact Information:
Parents, if you have changed your mobile number, address or emergency contacts, please advise the school office to update your details.
Student Invoices:
Please note - ALL 2024 Student Resource Scheme invoices are now due!
If you have invoices from last yeat not yet paid, please contact the school office to arrange payment. If parents wish to pay in instalments, this is welcomed.
Payment Methods:
- BPoint. Click the link on the emailed invoice to make a payment on an individual invoice with your credit card.
- QParents
- Centrepay. Please arrange through MyGov or complete a form at the school office.
- Bank Transfer. BSB: 064 707 ACCOUNT: 000 90562 Reference: Student name.
- EFT or cash payments in the School Office
School Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 3:15pm
Student Absence Notification:
School Absence Message Line: 49657333 - leave a message. It is accessible 24/7
SMS: 0426 305 023 or email
A gentle reminder to parents / caregivers to please keep your child at home if they are unwell and please notify the school using the methods above.
Late to School:
If your child is late (after 8:45) they will need to enter through the school office to get a late slip.
Mothers Day Raffle
Slade Point State Schools hard working P & C have put together a small Mothers Day Raffle. Tickets are $1 each and will be available at the Tuckshop in the mornings for purchase. The winner will be announced on Friday the 10th May. **Note: Items pictured are not the PRIZE!
Library Van
On the last day of Term 1, students in Prep to Year 1 had the opportunity to visit the mobile library van. It was a very exciting experience for everyone! If you wish for your child to borrow from the mobile library van each fortnight, please return the libary card application form to your child's classroom teacher
Protect yourself and community by getting a FREE flu vacccine at Slade Point State School.
Eat Up Australia
I would also like to personally acknowledge the support of Eat Up. Eat Up is proudly supporting Slade Point State School with lunches for students needing food support, in conjunction with the Port of Mackay Rotary and their team of volunteers. These lunches are available for any student needing assistance throughout the school day. Eat Up is a not-for-profit organisation which provides free lunches to over 780 schools nationally. Eat Up’s mission is to ensure that all children at school have access to a nutritious lunch, so that they can get the most out of their school day. More information can be found at
Come in and view the Library setup for Anzac Day, browse the books we have about this special day and the people who fought in the War.
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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