Newsletter 52 - 24th April 2024
Principals Desk
Two exciting events for our, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students have been organised. We will continue Day For Dolly as well.. All of these exciting events are around the topic of “Bullying”.
Life Education: will by running some very special Cyberbullying workshops on the 3rd of May for Year 5 and Year 6. These sessions are free. Year 4 will have the opportunity to access some excellent resources from the eSafety Website. Miss Armstrong has organised these exciting activities for students.
Reconcile Life and JC Action Sports are bringing “Good Ways Campaign”, to the Mackay and Regional schools again this May, during DFV month. It is a 1-hour performance with a half pipe on the back of a truck with professional scooter and BMX riders combining their tricks. Reconcile Life gives a positive message, targeting anti-bulling and safe actions, joining a professional rapper to the mix.
There is NO COST to the school as Daly Bay Coal Terminal and Daly Bay Infrastructure have donated funds towards the campaign. A great opportunity for our year 4,5 and 6 students.
Prep Classroom work: Parents, please talk to your child about being safe around the work being done at the Prep classroom. We are having some modifications done to increase the inside space for the students. There will be some temporary fencing around the area. Please stay clear of the fencing and the workmen during this time. We are looking forward to the new space!
DO IT FOR DOLLY: Friday the 10th of May promises to be an exciting day. There will be a special Tuckshop Menu - Day for Dolly. This will also be supported by Student Council with a Free Dress Day. On Friday our school will also support walking safely to school with a walk around the oval. A track of blue will be displayed. This will be to remember a very important message about:-
active kids are healthy kids and walk safely to school.
Student Council: Our students on student council have been involved in some wonderful fund raising with Containers for Change. Thank you to Miss Causon for leading the Student Council. The Student Council will be looking at spending some of their funds on seating for students awaiting the buses in the afternoon and tickets for the Year 6 Graduation.
Playgrounds: It is with great excitement that I am able to inform all of our school community that work on the new year 2-3 playground is completed. There is also another section for our P-1 students. The lower school have really enjoyed the new playgrounds. We have also been notified that there is funding available to provide more shade over the P-1 playground and possibly the year 4,5,6 playground.
P&C: Congratulations to our new P and C executive is Mr Devan Brown (P and C President), Ms Laetitia White (P and C Secretary), Ms Valma Russell (P and C Treasurer).
AFL: It is exciting to mention that AFL is visiting our school. The AFL team worked with students on Tuesday in year 4 and year 2 during PE. They are also coming to the school on Friday 19th to conduct PE lessons with our grade 2 and year 3 students. On Monday the 22nd our prep to grade 3 will have more AFL lessons. Thank you, Miss Roberts, for organising this for our lower and middle school students. I would also like to thank the AFL Team for visiting Slade Point State School.
Deadly Choices: Deadly Choices are also working with our Prep class and Prep-1 class. This will be on Thursday and commences in week 3.
Sports Day
Sports Day 24th May, field events and long-distance- 800 m, 23rd May (field events are usually a couple of days before Sports Day). Please note that our younger year levels will participate in fun activities and a sprint. This program has not been altered or changed from previous years and continues to be an excellent way to conduct our Whole of School Sports Day.
ANZAC MARCH: Slade Point State School will be participating in the annual Community ANZAC Day march, and morning parade on April 25th.
Once again, participants will assemble and march from the Caneland Central ground level car park. Primary and high school students are to use the Caneland Central drop-off area on Matsuura Drive. The drop-off area will be operational from 7am and is located near the roundabout. Please only drop-off students in the drop-off area, so traffic can continue to flow along Matsuura Drive. Please pick up your child from Mackay Central School. We will assemble and wait in the Mackay Central School grounds.
We do require all students to be ready to march by 8:00 am. This is so we have enough time to organise the students for the march. Parents are encouraged to view the parade and meet their child at Mackay Central State School – inside the front grounds for collection at the conclusion of the parade.
PBL: Our Slade Point State School PBL message for the next 2 weeks –Be Safe.
Please remind your child to hold their lunch box still while waiting in line and to keep their hands and feet to themselves at all times. Hats need to be worn on heads for sun safety. It is dangerous to swing hats and flick them.
BUS ZONE: Please DO NOT park in the Bus Zone in the afternoons. This is very unsafe and the bus transporting Pioneer High School student CAN'T park and have the passengers disembark safely.
Check Facebook posts from the school and P and C. Always ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
Future Dates: -
15 th – 26th April, term 2, Queensland Education Wellbeing Survey for year 4 only;
24th April, term 2, ANZAC Day Ceremony – Wednesday in the Hall. 10:15 am start. All community, parents and carers welcome;
25th April, term 2, ANZAC Day Community March – all students are invited to march;
3rd May, term 2, Cyber Bullying talks – year 5 and year 6;
10th May, term 2,” Day for Dolly”. The P and C will join with our Student Council to hold a free dress day and students will be able to purchase special food from the tuckshop.
7th May, term 2, Mother’s Day Stall – Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named) and handed to class teacher;
15th May, term 2, Religion Instruction- QuizWorx. All students who attend Religion Instruction from Year 1 to Year 6 are to attend?
20th May, term 2 Reconcile Life – year 4, 5 and 6; on the oval after 2nd break lunch;
23rd May, term 2, Track(long-distance) and field events will be completed before Sports Day
24th May, term 2, Sports Day
5th June, term 2, Wednesday afternoon NAIDOC Afternoon 1:30 in the UCA and move to the hall by 1:45. Start in the hall 2:15 songs, dances and speeches in hall then move onto the oval and marching (back in the UCA by 2:40 pm);
19th June, term 2, AFL Gala Day- Year 5 and Year 6 (Teams will be confirmed and notes sent out to all Year 5 and 6 students)
11th July, term 3, Thursday our first Pre-Prep- Ready Set Prep morning 9:00-9:30 am in the UCA to start;
MySchool dates term 3 and term 4-
11th July, 25th July, 8th August, 22nd August, 5th September, 3rd October, 17th October, 31st October
C and K Kindy dates term 3 and term 4-
18th July, 1st August ,15th August, 12th September, 10th October, 24th October, 7th November
Parent Information Session - Thursday 14th November 9:00-9:30.
11-12th July term 3 – Whitsunday Voices Festival (TBC tickets and events)
19th July P and C Disco week 2 term 3- dress as your favourite Movie Character;
19th July Mathematics Competition week 2 term 3 – St Joseph’s Year 5 and Year 6 (1 team) 8:45-11:45 am;
23rd August, term 3 - Book Week parade in the hall Week 7 term 3- Reading is Magic 9:45 am in the hall;
27th August, term 3 - Father’s Day Stall. Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
29th August, week 8 – Culture Day. All parents, the community and families are invited. Please always check Face Book and our school sign to confirm times and dates.
1st November, term 4, week 5 - Halloween Disco;
5th December, term 4-week 10 - Christmas Concert;
6th December, term 4, week 10 -Swimming Carnival;
9th December, term 4, week 11 - Awards Day;
ADJUSTED DATE BY POPULAR REQUEST 4th December, term 4, week 10- Year 6 Graduation Ceremony Surf Club (staff, parents or carers and child to attend only);
12th December, term 4 week 11 - Sladey Celebration Day and Petting Zoo’.
School Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 3:15 pm.
Student Absence Notification:
School Absence Message Line: 4965 7333 - leave a message. It is accessible 24/7
SMS: 0426 305 023 or email
A gentle reminder to parents / caregivers to please keep your child at home if they are unwell and please notify the school using the methods mentioned above.
Late to School:
If your child is late (after 8:45am) they will need to enter through the school office to get a late slip.
Our new playgrounds !
Student Council
This week in Student Council we discussed the meaning of 'Do It For Dolly Day'. Dolly's dream is to spread kindness and put a stop to cybrbullying. Dolly's message is to "SPEAK" Even if your voice shakes. Students are asked to dress in blue on Friday, 10th May. Please bring a Gold coin donation. Special tuckshop menu has been sent home for this day.
Flu Vaccination
Protect yourself and community by getting a FREE flu Vaccine here at Slade Point State School.
My New Gallery
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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