Newsletter 53 - 1st May 2024
Principals Desk
We have a very busy and exciting term. There are a lot of extra activities happening in our amazing school.
Mangroves: Students will be continuing to learn about the mangroves and they will also hear information about what being a threatened species means. They will also learn about some of our local at-risk species of animals and plants. The students will also have a quick introduction to wildlife monitoring and a show and tell with some trail cameras. Finally, they will cover and learn about salt marshes and mangroves and their importance in keeping our land and sea healthy. Thank you to Miss Thorpe and Miss Hodson who will be working with Pioneer Catchment and Landcare.
On behalf of Slade Point State Primary School, I would like to thank Donna Jackson who is the Senior Project Officer for Pioneer Catchment & Landcare Group Inc. Donna has organised this wonderful opportunity for our year 3 class and our year 2-3 class. This will take place on 17th June.
Uncle Patrick: I would like to acknowledge all of the support that Uncle Patrick gives to our school. He has confirmed further dance dates with Slade Point State School.
•8th May - Week 4
•22nd May - Week 6
•5th June - Week 8
•19th June - Week 10
Life Education: Two exciting events for our, Year 4 Year 5 and Year 6 students have been organised. We will continue Day for Dolly as well. All of these exciting events are around the topic of “Bullying”.
Life Education will by running some very special Cyberbullying workshops on the 3 rd of May for Year 5 and Year 6. These sessions are free. Year 4 will have the opportunity to access some excellent resources from the eSafety Website. Miss Armstrong has organised these exciting activities for students.
Reconcile Life and JC Action Sports are bringing “Good Ways Campaign”, to the Mackay and Regional schools again this May, during DFV month. It is a 1-hour performance with a half pipe on the back of a truck with professional scooter and BMX riders combining their tricks. Reconcile Life gives a positive message, targeting anti-bulling and safe actions, joining a professional rapper to the mix.
There is no cost to the school as Daly Bay Coal Terminal and Daly Bay Infrastructure have donated funds towards the campaign. A great opportunity for our year 4,5 and 6 students.
Day for Dolly: Friday the 10th of May promises to be an exciting day. There will be a special Tuckshop Menu - Day for Dolly. (Please note: Normal tuckshop menu will not be available on this day.) This will also be supported by the Student Council with a Free Dress Day -please dress in BLUE. Our school will also support walking safely to school on this day with a walk around the oval. A track of blue will be displayed. This will be to remember a very important message about: -
active kids are healthy kids and walk safely to school.
Student Council updates: Student Council are also aiming to help raise funds for basketball hoops in the hall, as well as seating for the PCYC Bus children and tickets for the year 6 Graduation. The students are also organising a roster for Peace Patrol in the Prep – 1 Playground at first break, Umpires for year 2-3 soccer at first break and tuckshop helpers for Miss Mary. Please note: All tuckshop helpers are reminded this is a voluntary role and Miss Mary can’t give out ice blocks to volunteers. However, she can encourage all students to purchase an ice block on Friday afternoon for 50 cents.
Sports Day is now confirmed- Friday 24th May
Sports Day is now confirmed, field events and long-distance- 800 m, will be on 23rd May (field events are usually a couple of days before Sports Day). Please note that our younger year levels will participate in fun activities and a sprint. This program has not been altered or changed from previous years and continues to be an excellent way to conduct our Whole of School Sports Day.
PBL: Thank you to all of our wonderful students who always show that they can be safe in the playground. It was very pleasing to congratulate all of the students who received 25 tokens and 50 and 75 badges on Parade at the start of the week.
Our Slade Point State School PBL message for the next 2 weeks –Be Safe. Staff continue to give reminders and lessons to all of our students around solving problems without using hands, feet and objects. Please support these reminders and encourage your child to report any incidents to staff.
We are also helping our lower school to be safe in the toilets and remember to not use their hands and feet in this space.
Please remind your child to hold their lunch box still while waiting in line and hats need to be worn on heads for sun safety.
Culture Day Updates –
Class Song Culture
Prep Rattlin’ Bog An Irish folk song performed by The Wiggles
P/1 Samba Nana A dance inspired by traditional Brazilian Samba
Y 1 Makeba By French singer/songwriter Jain. Inspired by South African singer and activist Miriam Makeba
Y 2 I’ll Make a Man out of You A song from the Disney musical “Mulan” set in Imperial China
Y2/3 Walk Like an Egyptian A pop song by 1980s band ‘The Bangles’ inspired by Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics
Y3 Enua Manea A traditional Cook Islands song
Y4 Cuban Pete A song in the Cuban dance style Mambo
Y5 Great Southern Land Sung in English and the Gamilaraay language by Indigenous performer Mitch Tambo
Y6 Wish You Well By Yolngu rapper Baker Boy feat. Bernard Fanning.
Save these dates: - Check Facebook posts from the school and P and C. Always ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
Future Dates: -
3rd May, term 2, Cyber Bullying talks – year 5 and year 6;
10th May, term 2,” Day for Dolly”. The P and C will join with our Student Council to hold a free dress day and students will be able to purchase special food from the tuckshop. No normal Tuckshop Available
7th May, term 2, Mother’s Day Stall – Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
15th May, term 2, Religion Instruction- QuizWorx. All students who attend Religion Instruction from Year 1 to Year 6 are to attend.
16th,May, term 2 Fanfare at Northern Beaches High School; Ensemble
20th May, term 2 Reconcile Life – year 4, 5 and 6; on the oval after 2nd break lunch;
May 24th, term 2, Sports Day, field events and long-distance 23rd May (field events are usually a couple of days before Sports Day;
5th June, term 2, Wednesday afternoon NAIDOC Afternoon 1:30 in the UCA and move to the hall by 1:45. Start in the hall 2:15 songs, dances and speeches in hall then move onto the oval and marching (back in the UCA by 2:40 pm);
19th June, term 2, AFL Gala Day- Year 5 and Year 6 (Teams will be confirmed and notes sent out to all Year 5 and 6 students)
11th July, term 3, Thursday our first Pre-Prep- Ready Set Prep morning 9:00-9:30 am in the UCA to start;
MySchool dates term 3 and term 4-
11th July, 25th July, 8th August, 22nd August, 5th September, 3rd October, 17th October, 31st October
C and K Kindy dates term 3 and term 4-
18th July, 1st August ,15th August, 12th September, 10th October, 24th October, 7th November
Parent Information Session - Thursday 14th November 9:00-9:30.
11-12th July term 3 – Whitsunday Voices Festival (TBC tickets and events)
19th July P and C Disco week 2 term 3- dress as your favourite Movie Character;
2nd August Mathematics Competition week 4 term 3 – St Joseph’s Year 5 and Year 6 (1 team) 8:45-11:45 am;
7th August Year 3-6 ICAS Writing – parents to register by 26th July - (See Miss A for another copy of the information note);
14th August Year 2-6 ICAS English - parents to register by 26th July - (See Miss A for another copy of the information note);
28th August Year 2-6 ICAS Mathematics- parents to register by 26th July - (See Miss A for another copy of the information note)
23rd August, term 3 - Book Week parade in the hall Week 7 term 3- Reading is Magic 9:45 am in the hall;
27th August, term 3 - Father’s Day Stall. Tuesday at school. Money is to be brought in an envelope (named);
29th August, week 8 – Culture Day. All parents, the community and families are invited. Please always check Face Book and our school sign to confirm times and dates.
17th October, week 3, Awakening Spirits at the Mackay Entertainment Centre;
1st November, term 4, week 5 - Halloween Disco;
5th December, term 4, week 10 - Christmas Concert;
6th December, term 4, week 10 -Swimming Carnival;
9th December, term 4, week 11 - Awards Day;
ADJUSTED DATE BY POPULAR REQUEST 4th December, term 4, week 10- Year 6 Graduation Ceremony Surf Club (staff, parents or carers and child to attend only);
12th December, term 4 week 11 - Sladey Celebration Day and Petting Zoo’.
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
School Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 3:15pm
Student Absence Notification:
School Absence Message Line - 4965 7333 - leave a message. It is accessible 24/7
SMS: 0426 305 023 OR email
A gentle reminder to parents / caregivers to please keep your child at home if they are unwell and please notify the school of the absence using the methods above.
Please remember that the absence notification is only marked for the days specified by the parents. If you phone on Monday informing us that your child is sick and they remain away from school for the following 2 days, you will need to inform us of the reason for their absence on the extra days.
Late to School:
If your child is late (after 8:45am) they will need to enter via the school office to get a late slip.
Student Invoices
All accounts are now overdue. Please make payments on your student's account as soon as you are able. If you wish to pay in instalments, this is welcomed.
Payment Methods:
- BPoint - click the link on the emailed invoice to pay for the individual invoice on your credit card.
- QParents
- Bank Transfer - BSB: 064-707 ACCOUNT: 000 90562 Reference: Student Name.
- EFT or cash payments in the school office
- Centrepay
It is extremely important that family personal details such as phone numbers, emergency contacts and home addresses are correct and up to date so that you can be contacted if your child is unwell or needing medical attention. It is also very important we are are aware of all medical conditions.
Please email or contact the school office to update your child's details.
Absences from school
Have you ever wondered how many Author's there are whose last name starts with W.......
Well, wander on into the Library and see for yourself.....
Library (Book Fair)
The month of MAY is National Family Reading Month.
Come in on Monday 13th of May and peruse through the books on display, choose whether purchasing online or through the school. If you choose to buy online, purchases need to be printed and returned to Mrs Bishop for collection. Students will peruse the display with their classes on Friday 10th May, and do their wishlist prior to the fair opening. Sales will start Monday 13th. See you there !
'Sladey Supermarket'
We had our grand opening of the 'Sladey Supermarket' back in Week 1 of Term 2. The Sladey Supermarket adds another exciting element to our PBL system. Students are able to spend their tokens on either items or experiences from the shop. It is up to the individual student as to whether or not they save their tokens for a big ticket item or spend them as soon as they recieve 25. In Week 1, the 2/3 and P/1 classes had the opportunity to come shopping! AS you can see by the photos, all students were very happy with their purchases!
PREP Enrolment for 2025
If your child was born between 1st July 2019 and 30th June 2020, you need to start thinking about what School you want your child to go to. Feel free to pop into the Office for an enrolment pack.
Habitude now provide school tutoring (literacy & numeracy) for Prep to Year 6 and also have limited places available for high school students – which can be discussed on request based on the individuals’ needs.
Mother's Day Stall
Remember to bring in your loose change $$$ in an envelope with your name on for the Mother's Day Stall held by the P&C. Please Do Not bring more than $10.
What a great turnout we had for our ANZAC Day March! With 43 Students and 18 Staff participating we all marched our way to Central School. Thank you for representing your school.
ICAS Assessments
Once again this year we are giving students here at Slade Point the opportunity to participate in the ICAS Assessment, this assessment is optional. Payment for this is online only and NO REFUNDS or RESITS are provided, if your child is away that day. If you are interested for your child to take part please see Ms A for note.
University of New South Wales ICAS Assessments
The University of NSW (UNSW) offers students an opportunity to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) assessment. These assessments provide opportunities for capable students in Years 2-6 to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external assessment.
For our Slade Point students wishing to sit the ICAS Assessments this year, we will be offering English, Writing and Mathematics assessments. The ICAS Assessments are completed online and participation is optional.
Please note: no money will be collected at school for the ICAS Assessments. All registrations are completed and paid in full online.
Please find below the parent code for English (2-6), Maths (2-6) & Writing (3-6):
Your school access code is: OFO657 Your parent page link is:
Sign up for the PPS (Parent Payment Scheme) by Monday, 15 July 2024
PPS for parent orders close Friday, 26 July 2024
These exams will take place at 11.30am, supervised by Ms Ansiewicz in the library when the exam is scheduled. As this is an external exam, we cannot allow children to re-sit the tests if they are absent on the day and refunds cannot be provided.
Cost to UNSW: $19.95 English, $19.95 Maths & $23.95 Writing
Competition and Date of Test
Writing Yr3-6 - Wednesday 7 August, 2024
English Year 2-6- Wednesday 14 August, 2024
Mathematics Year 2-6 - Wednesday 28 August, 2024
If you have any other questions in regards to these assessments, please contact Ms Ansiewicz.
Kind regards,
Mrs Angie Malone Acting Principal. Ms. Sheridan Ansiewicz. Head of Curriculum
Please return expression of interest to Ms A (for logisitic purposes only)
Parent Payment System closes 26th July for registration and payment.
GIRLS - are you under 10 or under 12?? Then We Want You!!! Come and sign up for Basketball.
DV Prevention Month
May 1st marks the start of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.
| Today marks the start of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month. With community events happening across the state this May, here’s what you need to know and how to get involved. Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Prevention Month is a Queensland Government initiative designed to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence and send a clear message that such violence will not be tolerated. While education can (and should) occur all year round, DFV Prevention Month creates the perfect opportunity to understand the issue at hand, reflect on our own relationships, and start important conversations with those around us. Check out the DFVPM 2024 resources and calendar of events to join the fight against abuse. Coinciding with Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Prevention Month, Challenge DV are hosting their annual Darkness to Daylight event – with 3-km, 10-km and 110-km challenges designed to unite the community as they take a stand against domestic violence and honour lives lost at the hands of abuse. Taking over Queensland Parliament House across 29-30 May, funds raised go towards facilitating their holistic suite of prevention work, including workplace programs, respectful relationships programs and strategic partnerships, designed to loosen the grip of violence in our communities. Rise to the challenge and make every step count towards a violence-free future by securing your spot as an individual, team or family. |
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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