From the Principals Desk
Welcome to week 2!
Welcome everyone. Thank you to all parents and carers for having your child ready for school and attending in week 2 of term three.
This term promises to be busy and exciting. There are some amazing events coming up. We have already had Whitsunday Voices. Thank you to Miss O'Mara for organising this exciting excursion. All students enjoyed the sessions.
A special thank you is extended to Miss Armstrong for organising the Bike Education Program for our Year 4 students. They are going to have lots of fun this week at the Mackay PCYC Bike Education Centre.
Please note that our short PBL Parade will be held every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Our key messages this week are reminding students about the three school expectations:
Our students are always active at lunch times and use the school playgrounds respectfully and safely. It is very exciting that our Prep Playground has been repaired and some new and exciting climbing sections have been added.
On behalf of all of the school community, parents, staff and especially students, I would like to extend a special thank you to Mrs Shaw and Mrs Reck for being successful with a Grant Application to have a new Year 2 and 3 Playground built and a smaller Prep Playground. More information will be given when we are advised of timeline for the construction.
On Tuesday the 25th of July, classroom teachers will be conducting parent/carer interviews. Slade Point State School is always focused on improving communication with parents/carers and staff. Every day at school is busy and full of learning opportunities. Parent and carer interviews are an opportunity for you to hear about all of your child's learning successes at school.
A friendly reminder to our families. Invitations to participate in the School Opinion Survey will be sent over a number of days in the week beginning Monday 17 July, to all parents/caregivers. One parent/caregiver per family will receive an email. The survey will close on 18 August. Our year 5 and year 6 students will have the opportunity to complete the survey from 24th July. They will do this at school and with their classroom teacher. If you are unsure about how to complete the survey, please ask your child's teacher during the parent/carer meetings.
No logins or passwords are needed, parents/caregivers can simply click on the link and complete the survey.
For the safety of everyone, please use the drop off and pick up zone in Pheasant Street. For late arrivals - use parking along Slade Point Road for drop off. Please do not drop off or pick up in the driveway or in the school grounds. Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe.
On Thursday this week we are having a very exciting puppet show for our Prep, Year One and Year Two students (our year three students were invited to attend Whitsunday Voices). There will be three shows to cater for the different age groups. This is a totally free event and I would like to thank Ms Ali Yates for organising the puppet show visit.
Term Three Events: -
- Parent/Carer and Teacher Interviews—week 3 Tuesday 25th July;
- Puppet Show –week two Thursday 20th July, Prep to Year 2;
- High school enrolment packs due– week 6, 18th August;
- Pioneer State High School Year 6 Interviews TBC week 7 and week 8;
- Rewards-Celebration Day (Lawn Bowls to be confirmed) Wednesday 13th September;
- Community Breakfast—week 10 Tuesday 12th September (starting at 7:15 am);
- Pupil Free Day Friday 1st September—School is Closed;
- Swimming Carnival– week 10 Thursday 14th September –all welcome to attend at the Memorial Pool;
- Mackay and District Sports–week 4 Thursday 27th July—parents and carers of athletes welcome to attend and watch;
- Eisteddfod for instrumental (Monday week 6) and choir (Friday week 5)-all welcome to purchase a ticket and attend at the MECC.
Breakfast Club each morning offers toast and fruit for our students. We have many people who help make the toast and cut up the fruit for Breakfast Club. It is lovely to hear our students thanking Mrs Ikupu and Mrs Yates for setting up the Breakfast Club each morning. Please remind your child that they have to sit down and finish eating before they play in the mornings.
We are looking forward to seeing as many parents as possible next week at Parent/Carer meetings!
Angie Malone. Acting Principal
Parade Awards
Student of the Week: Ann, Darius, Tennessee, Kovi, Riot, John W, Amber, Khodie & Maddison.
The above students not only recieved thier certificate on parade but was also awarded a free student ticket to attend the Circus on Saturday 15th September.
Wheel of attendance winners this week:- DJ, Tafea, Evelyn, Sophie, Lorissa, Max, Olivah, Georgia & Deshawn.
My New Gallery
Attendance Award for Term 2
Congratulations to Max and Melissa for 100% attendance at school for Term 2. Both students received free passes to attend the circus.
- Swimming forms and payments - to Admin please. Payments due 2nd August.
- Hat for Play - Please bring a hat each day!
- Unclaimed clothing and lunch boxes - on the trolley under A Block.
- SZapp - Please download the SchoolZine App - to get your newlsetter easily!
Libary News
On parade Monday we had our local Councillor, Alison Jones visit and present a book to the school about Eungella.
Our lovely ladies in the library have dressed up the area for the theme 'Coastline Environment'.
My New Gallery
Whitsunday Voices
Last Friday, some of our years 3 and 4's were treated to a presentation from author and musician Boori Pryor. He shared with us traditional stories that had us all thinking about the importance of persevering through challenging times, finding new soloutions and to never give up. Boori Pryor was a brillant presenter and our whole group enjoyed the humour he incorpated, and getting everyone up out of their seats moving and dancing in the rows to the didgeridoo. At the end Mrs Bishop and some of our students meet Boori to have some of our library books signed and photos taken with him.
Also on Friday, students in Years 5 and 6 spent the afternoon at Whitsunday voices, where they were entertained by Deltora Quest Illustrator Mark McBride. Mark told lots of stories about the many books he has illustrated and gave lots of tips about how to use light, shade and texture in drawings. His dragon artwork came to life while he talked and he used it to demonstrate many of his tips and tricks. It was a fun and interesting afternoon enjoyed by our upper school students.
My New Gallery
Oz Tag
Week 1 of Term 3 saw Mackay Oztag visit our students in their PE lessons. Students learnt all about the game of Oztag and had an absolute blast! A flyer was sent home with each student advising of the upcoming season. For more information please go to the oztag website ( Please enjoy the photos below, the smiles on the kids faces are priceless!
My New Gallery
The Arts
We have had an exciting start to Term 3 in the Arts. On Tuesday 11th July, members of the SPSS choir and instrumental program showcased what they have been working on this year in our mini concert, 'Afternoon Tunes'. Many families turned out to see the terrific prpgress of our school music students.
Well done to the students who have been playing the ukulele in the undercover area on Wednesday mornings at PBL Parade. A great opportunity to practice the skills we have been working on in class.
A new subject for Semester 2!
The term we have kicked off a new learning area for the Arts: Drama. Students will undertake the semester-long subject exploring how we can develop skills in using movement, voice and roleplay to explore ideas. It builds confidence and is a lot of fun!
My New Gallery
Our school choir and sting ensemble will be competing in the Mackay Eisteddfod this year.
Permission notes have gone out to students in Week 2. Please return permission notes to your child's teacher, who can also replace a lost note. Notes should not be returned to the office.
Choir: Friday August 11th at 10:30am. Section: 5B Choral Singing for schools year 6 and under. Session:6.
String Ensemble: Monday August 14th at 1pm. Section: 506 Small group of any acoustic instruments for primary students. Session: 21
Parents / Carers are welcome to come along to watch and must purchase tickets through the MECC.
We wish all our students the best of luck and congratulate them on their hard work.
Hilary Henderson. The Arts teacher.
Bike Programme
On Tuesday the boys learnt how to repair a loose pedal crank by identifying the importance of lubrication of the bearings. They dismantled the locking nuts to locate the bearing race as they were significantly dry.
They reassembled all components and adjusted the tension on the nut to firm up the movement on the pedal crank arm. The boys are learning how to indentify a fault and the process to repair.
Chappy Peter also endorses safety by ensuring the students where their protective safety glasses when required.
My New Gallery
P and C News
The P & C Krispy Kreme Doughnut fundraiser has begun! Forms have gone home with the chldren to start getting those orders from friends, famly and community.
The Forms and correct monies are to be returned to the Tuckshop ONLY by Thursday 27th July. Spare order forms are available from the Tuckshop. Dozen packs of original glazed, assorted dozen, strawbeey dozen and chocolate dozen are available.
Delivery date is approximately Week 5 in Term 3. Any questions - please ask a member of the P & C.
My New Gallery
Book Club
My New Gallery
Prep Play
The Prep's were very proud of the highest tower ever! The smiley face was put in by Storm.
Community News
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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