From the Principals Desk
Welcome to week 3!
Welcome everyone. Thank you to all parents and carers for having your child ready for school and attending in week 3 of term three.
Our Year 4 students (weather permitting) will continue Bike Education this Thursday 27th. It was a great success last week. Weather permitting it should be another enjoyable day for our year 4 students. Mackay PCYC have been very accommodating and organised two days for our students. It was unfortunate that there was a clash in their booking system.
A special thank you is extended to Miss Armstrong for organising the Bike Education Program again this year.
Please note that our short PBL Parade will be held every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Our key message this week is reminding students about the school expectation:
Our students are always active at lunch times and use the school playgrounds respectfully and safely. It is very exciting that our Prep and Year One Playground has been repaired and some new and exciting climbing sections have been added. All Prep and Year One students have been enjoying their re-vitalised playground.
On Tuesday the 25th of July, classroom teachers conducted parent/carer interviews. Parent and carer interviews are an opportunity for you to hear about all of your child's learning successes at school. This was very well attended by parents and carers. I enjoyed meeting many familiar faces and new ones at this session. I would like to thank all of the classroom teachers for meeting with parents and carers.
Slade Point State School is always focused on improving communication with parents/carers and staff. Every day at school is busy and full of learning opportunities.
A friendly reminder to our families. Invitations to participate in the School Opinion Survey have been sent from Monday 17 July to all parents/caregivers. One parent/caregiver per family has received an email. The survey will close on 18 August. Our year 5 and year 6 students will have the opportunity to complete the survey from 24th July. They will do this at school and with their classroom teacher. If you are unsure about how to complete the survey, please ask your child's teacher.
No logins or passwords are needed, parents/caregivers can simply click on the link and complete the survey.
Last Thursday our Prep, Year One and Year Two students had the pleasure of viewing a very enjoyable puppet show. This totally free event was organised by Mrs Ali Yates and Miss O’Mara.
Swimming lessons are fast approaching. Thank you to parents and carers who have already paid and sent back their child’s permission note. These are due by next Thursday, 3rd August.
Term Three Events and Reminders: -
- High school enrolment packs due– week 6, 18th August;
- Pioneer State High School Year 6 Interviews TBC week 7 and week 8;
- Rewards-Celebration Day-Lawn Bowls week 10 Wednesday 13th September
- Community Breakfast—will be held in 4th term;
- Pupil Free Day Friday 1st September—School is Closed;
- Swimming Carnival– week 10 Thursday 14th September –all welcome to attend at the Memorial Pool;
- Mackay and District Sports–week 4 Thursday 27th July—parents and carers of athletes welcome to attend and watch;
- Eisteddfod for instrumental (Monday week 6) and choir (Friday week 5)-all welcome to purchase a ticket and attend at the MECC.
A new and exciting opportunity for our year 5 and year 6 students is STEM Punks. This is a totally free event and more information will be given to parents, carers and students over the next few weeks. The date is set, at this stage for the 29th August. The program is a full day and will be offered at school. ‘STEM Punks programs enable a mindset of Innovation, Creativity, & Entrepreneurship to solve tomorrow’s problems today’
I am encouraging all parents and carers to access QParents via a phone app. This is a secure, online portal created for Queensland state schools by the Department of education.
QParents enables parents and carers to communicate directly with the school and udpate their child's address and medical conditions, submit reasons for absences and view invoices and make online payments.
Information that a parents or carers can access is:-
1. attendance details;
2. timetables and upcoming events;
3. report cards;
4. invoices and payment history.
NAPLAN reports: The reporting of NAPLAN results to parents and carers is changing. You will shortly receive individual student reports, showing your child’s achievement in each test domain, according to 4 levels of NAPLAN proficiency: Exceeding, Strong Developing and Needs additional support. The report will also provide information about student knowledge and skills within each proficiency. A factsheet included with your child’s report will detail the new changes. Find out more at Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
SUNSAFETY: Did you know that skim damage can occur in just 10 minutes in the sun? Although it's winter, the UV index is high in Queensland all year-round. Don't let your guard down. Regularly check your skin and remember to wear a hat outside.
Thank you to all students for being safe during our recent rain and cold weather. Children have been able to still play outside using areas such as, A Block and the main UCA. During our Breakfast Club, please continue to remind your child that they have to sit down and finish eating before they play in the mornings.
Angie Malone. Acting Principal
Parade Awards
Student of the Week: Matea, Isaac, Mykiesha, Jase, Larissa, Milly, Aaliyah, Noah and Anya.
Wheel of Attendance Winners for Week 3: Kasey, Eadie, Justin, Maverick, Elanore, Max, Aaliyah, Thomas and Chloe
My New Gallery
PBL Expectations for Week 3 and 4
Physical Misconduct (Be Safe):
- In the classroom, be safe - keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- Hats ONLY to be taken to PE and play and worn on your head. Hats must be on your head, lunchboxes in your lap.
Puppet Show
Last Thursday our Prep to Year 2 students were fortunate to watch The Gruffalo Puppet show in the hall. We all loved the different puppets - especially the snake. It was a funny show enjoyed by all.
My New Gallery
Maths Competition
On Friday we had 5 of our students participate in a Maths Competition at St. Joesph's School. The team was praised by their supervisor and worked hard throughout the competition. They practiced team work in both the team event where all five students worked together to answer challenging questions and in the relay working in rotating pairs. Mrs Dawson was proud of how well our team worked, their beahaviour and how they represented Slade Point School. Well done Anya, Ella, Jessica, Jacob and Seth!
My New Gallery
P and C News
Krispy Kreme Doughnut fundraiser:
Order forms and correct monies to be returned to the Tuckshop by tomorrow Thursday 27th July.
Delivery date is approximately Week 5 in Term 3.
Book Club:
All orders for Issues 5 are due in this Friday 28th July 2023.
My New Gallery
Farewell to Miss Teesh
We are very sorry to have to say goodbye to our Tuckshop Convenor, Miss Teesh.
You have provided an outstanding service for our school, students and staff throughout your time here Miss Teesh.
Thank you for all your yummy food, your new ideas, your time, patience, organisation, and development of the Slade Point State School tuckshop. We all wish you well with your new ventures. You will be missed.
Please give her a big Thank You when you see her in the Tuckshop for the brillant job she has done for us.
Thank you!
Date Claimers
- Thursday 27th July: Mackay District Sports at MARC - Mackay Aquatic & Recreation Complex
- Monday 7th, Friday 11th, Monday 14th and Friday 18th August: Swimming lessons at Marlins Swim School for Prep - Year 6 students.
- Friday 11th August: Eisteddfod - Choir at the MECC 10:30am Section 5B Choral Singing for Primary Session: 6
- Monday 14th August: Eisteddfod - Strings at the MECC 1:00pm Section: 506 Small group of any acoustic intruments for primary students. Session:21
- Friday 18th August: High school enrolment packs due
- Thursday 31st August: Culture Day
- Friday 1st September: Pupil Free Day - School CLOSED
- Friday 15th September: Last day of Term 3
Bike Programme with Chappy
Our Chaplain has been working with some of our boys, teaching bicycle maintenance.
One student in Year 4 showed another classmate how to extract the tube out of the tyre, how to identify leaks in the tube and how to reassemble the tube and put the tyre back on the rim.
Another student was instructed on the process of reassembling the bike pedal and also how to dismatle bike stand, lubricate components and reassemble using appropiate tools.
The boys are learning teamwork and how to follow instructions.
My New Gallery
Ready Set Prep
Community News
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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