Principal News
Welcome to Week 5!
Principal messages
A special thank you is extended to our P and C who organised a sausage sizzle on Election Saturday 26th October.
Please support our P and C Disco this Friday.
A great morning walk around the oval was held for “Day for Daniel Friday 25th of October”. Thank you to all staff and students for supporting this special day.
The Brave Hearts performance went very well on Tuesday. Our Prep to Year 2 students enjoyed the show.
Chappy Peter and Aunty Wave are busy organising book packs. Families will be notified about the book packs later in the term.
Prep Parent Information Session - Thursday 14th November 9:00-9:30 am. All parents and carers are invited to attend. This will be held in the Prep room.
Prep students for 2025 are invited to our whole school transition morning on November 26th times are confirmed as 9:30-10:30 am. Meet at the UCA at 9:20 am and go to your new classroom. Booklists will be handed out. Parents and carers are invited to attend.
Orientation Day Term 4, Week 9
Tuesday, 26th of November
8:30 am to 2:30 pm
* All 2025 Year 7 students who are enrolled to attend Pioneer State High school are invited to a full day of Orientation.
PARENTS PROVIDE TRANSPORT to and from Pioneer State High School.
New things Happening in the School and New Ideas: -
Our Book Fair will run from Monday 4th of November to Friday 8th November. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy some gifts as we are leading into Christmas.
Basketball with our amazing ATSICH Mentors will be returning to our Year 2 and Year 3 students. This will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday again for 5 weeks.
We are asking parents to provide information to assist our school plan for the 2025 school year. Please let your child’s classroom teacher know should your circumstances change in the next few months for 2025. Blue forms were handed out and should be back with class teachers.
Celebrating our Successes: -
Our Pre-Prep Program has been a wonderful success. I would like to thank our C and K Kindergarten, MySchool, Miss O’Mara, Miss Armstrong, Mrs Peach and Aunty Waveney for all of their hard work with the Pre-Prep Program.
Monday parades, we are always celebrating the great behaviour displayed by our students. Students are presented with their 25 Certificate, 50,75 and 100 badges as well as Student of the Week.
Facilities and Maintenance: -
Fire Hydrant Upgrade: - The Department of Education has currently put this upgrade on hold. They are looking at alternatives which can support not cutting down our beautiful trees. Our school will continue to hold Fire Drills to ensure all children, staff and community are safe.
Celebrating PBL-Positive Behaviour and Learning: -
We always celebrate the wonderful behaviour of our students at Slade Point State School.
Our PBL Expectations and reminders for weeks 5 and 6: -
Be safe
Our Sladey Supermarket continues. Students have an opportunity to go shopping to spend their gift vouchers. These vouchers are a great way to celebrate the wonderful behaviour of our students each day at Slade Point State School.
Once again, a wonderful way to celebrate the success of our students at Slade Point State School.
Date Claimers
Adjusted Date: week 10, 3rd December Canelands and Lagoon, term 4 – Tuesday year 5 and year 6;
Save these dates: - Check Facebook posts from the school and P and C. Always ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure about events in the school (dates, times and venue). Check with staff on duty in the mornings at the UCA. Check with staff at the pickup gates each afternoon.
Future Dates: - Pre-Prep Program
MySchool term 4-
31st October
C and K Kindy dates term 4-
7th November
Parent Information Session - Thursday 14th November 9:00-9:30.
1st November, term 4, week 5 - Halloween Disco;
7th November, term 4, week 6 – Safety Circus;
11th November, term 4, week 7 – Remembrance Day Ceremony 11:45-12:15 pm (all welcome);
12th November, term 4, week 7 Instrumental Parent Meeting C Block 3:10 pm;
2nd December, term 4, week 10 - Awards Day;
4th December, Term 4, week 10 – Sladey Celebration Day “Petting Zoo”;
4th December, term 4, week 10- Year 6 Graduation Ceremony Surf Club (staff, parents or carers and graduating year 6 student to attend only). Student Council will pay for each the ticket of the graduating year 6 student.
5th December, term 4, week 10 - Christmas Concert;
6th December, term 4, week 10 -Swimming Carnival;
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Angie Malone
Principal Slade Point State School
Admin Office Hours: 8:00am to 3:15pm.
Please note - the office phone may not be answered outside of these times.
All invoices are now OVERDUE! Please pay these invoices by the end of November.
Thank you.