Newsletter - 25 - 2023
From the Principals Desk
Welcome to week 5!
Welcome everyone. Thank you to all parents and carers for having your child ready for school and attending in week 5 of term three.
Please note that our short PBL Parade will be held every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Our key message this week is reminding students about the school expectation:
Slade Point State School is always focused on improving communication with parents/carers and staff. Every day at school is busy and full of learning opportunities. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher to discuss any concerns or issues you may have.
On Tuesday 9th of August, I was very lucky to be able to view some of the talented dancing taking place by our school Wakakirri 2023 team. Thank you, Miss Jade, for the amazing work that you do for our school. The choreography and story theme are amazing. The Wakakirri team have already asking Miss Jade about 2024.
Best wishes are extended to our choir and Ensemble students participating in the Eisteddfod this week and next week. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Henderson and Miss Menzies for preparing our Choir and Ensemble for the Eisteddfod. Please note that Mrs Henderson has taken special care to ensure that children can still attend swimming lessons on Friday 11th August. Thank you to parents who have volunteered to help transport students to and from the MECC. Our Ensemble will compete later in the day on Monday 14th August. Hence, it is not possible for our year 5 and 6 students to swim on that day. We do apologise for this.
The closing date for our school opinion survey is fast approaching. A friendly reminder to our families - access being extended to complete the survey by August 18th. Invitations to participate in the School Opinion Survey were sent over a number of days in the week beginning Monday 17 July to all parents/caregivers. One parent/caregiver per family received an email. If you are unsure about how to complete the survey, please ask your child's teacher.
No logins or passwords are needed, parents/caregivers can simply click on the link and complete the survey.
Swimming lessons are HERE. Monday the 7th was the first swimming lesson for our students. It was very pleasing to see that swimming gear was named. Our children participated well at swimming and displayed respectful behaviour. Thank you to parents and carers who have already paid and sent back their child’s permission note. The second lesson is this Friday.
I am very excited to announce that our partnership with Pioneer High School continues to develop and some of our year 5 and year 6 students have been selected to participate in round 1 of the QAMAT Maths competition. This is part of the LEAP into Pioneer extension program.
Please ensure you return your 2024 Pioneer State High School enrolment packs by week 6, Friday 18th August.
During week 7 and on Wednesday 23rd August we will be conducting our Book Week Parade. The 2024 theme is: READ - GROW - INSPIRE. This will be in the hall at 9 am. All parents, community and carers are welcome to attend. Please enter the hall via our Pheasant Street Gate. Children are being asked to dress as their favourite book character and also bring their book to hold during the parade. Once again, we will be working in partnership with Pioneer State High School as some of our previous students will be returning to Slade Point to assist with the parade. Fiona Forrest is bringing over her Leadership Pride students. Children will meet at the UCA at 8:45 am take their school bags to class and then assemble in the hall by 9 am. There will be prizes and judging from 10:00 am. Parents, community members and carers are invited to dress up as well. There will be an adult prize for the best dressed book character. We may have some more activities planned for our lower school with the Leadership Pride students. These activities will be confirmed in the upcoming weeks.
Please support our Annual Culture Day on Thursday 31st August. Classes have confirmed and announced the countries they will be representing as below. Children dress as the culture they are representing for their performance or their own cultural heritage.
All parents, carers and community are invited to all activities on the day. Please bring a plate of food to share on the day. Thank you to Aunty Waveney, Aunty Vik for starting to prepare our program. A very basic outline is as follows: -
9 am -10:45 am- Hall Concert, 11:30-12:55 pm -Rotational Activities, Shared Lunch in the UCA and 1:30-2:25 pm - Rotational activities continue.
Prep Mrs Tasi | Mexico |
Prep / 1 Miss O’Mara | Ireland |
Year 1 Mrs Matulovic | Kenya (Africa) |
Year 2 Miss Causon | Africa |
Year 2 / 3 Miss Hodson | Italy |
Year 3 Miss Thorpe | Polynesian Cultures |
Year 4 Miss Sandrey | Māori culture |
Year 5 Miss Usher | Spain |
Year 6 Miss Blackman | America |
Term Three Events: -
- High school enrolment packs due– week 6, 18th August;
- Pioneer State High School 2024 Year 6 Interviews TBC week 7 and week 8;
- Eisteddfod for instrumental (Monday week 6) and choir (Friday week 5)-all welcome to purchase a ticket and attend the MECC
- Book Week Parade-week 7, 23rd August 9 am in the hall (all parents, carers and community welcome). Dress as your favourite book character. Students walk in the parade with their book.
- STEM Punks year 5 and year 6 students- 29th August
- Culture Day- week 8, 31st August (all parents, carers and community welcome);
- Rewards-Celebration Day-Lawn Bowls week 10 Wednesday 13th September (Please note that this has had to be changed due to the Social Bowls being held on Wednesday). Celebration Day will now be week 10 Tuesday 12th September
- Community Breakfast—will be held in the 4th term;
- Father's Day Stall-week 8 Wednesday 30th August
- Pupil Free Day Friday 1st September—School is Closed;
- Swimming Carnival– week 10 Thursday 14th September –all welcome to attend the Memorial Pool;
- Last day of term 3-week 10 Friday 15th September;
Term Four Save this Date: -
Year 6 Graduation-week 10, 6th December (Mackay Surf Club)
I am very proud to announce that this term our school will be having a swimming carnival. The Mackay Memorial Pool staff have donated the use of the pool for free. Children will be able to attend for free and the cost of the bus is covered by the school. Please keep this day free as all parents, carers and community are invited to attend.
Year 3 and Year 5 NAPLAN Reports will be handed out this week. Please check your child’s bag for these reports. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.
Angie Malone. Acting Principal
Parade Awards
Student of the Week: Harmony, Tianah, Kielan, Logan, Ryder, Matilda, Taylor, Jackson & Annaleah.
Wheel of Attendance Winners for Week 5: Tanahlia, Aster, Kirra, Thayleema, Harlow, Dakota, Leo, Dylan & Douglas.
My New Gallery
Tuckshop Message
Unfortunately due to the limited time frame for our tuckshop convenor Miss Teesh, she is unable to provide lunches on this Friday and next Friday for the 1st swimming group which is Prep and Year 1 students at the first eating break as they are already on the bus heading to their swimming lesson.
All other students in Years 2 - Year 6 can order and have their tuckshop as per normal for the 1st eating break only.
Bike Program
Chappy Peter demonstrated to each one of the boys, how to use a new tool. Chappy purchased this new tool for the removal of the pedal crank arms. He asked each boy to demonstrate what they had learnt and how to apply this new acquired skill while Chappy observed. The boys are learning new skills and teamwork under the supervision of our school Chappy.
My New Gallery
Date Claimers
- Thursday 10th August - Collect Krispy Kremes from hall after 2pm.
- Friday 11th August - Choir at the MECC 10:30am
- Friday 11th August - 2nd swimming lesson for all grades. Don't forget your swimmers!
- Monday 14th August - Strings at the MECC 1:00pm
- Monday 14th August - 3rd swimming lesson for all grades.
- Thursday 17th August - Maths competition - Leap into Pioneer
- Friday 18th August - 4th and final swimming lesson for all grades.
- Thursday 31st August - Culture Day
- Friday 1st September - Pupil Free Day - SCHOOL CLOSED.
- Tuesday 12th September - Rewards Day Celebration - Lawn Bowls
- Thursday 14th September - Swimming Carnival at Memorial Pool
- Friday 15th September - Last day of Term 3
P and C News
Krispy Kreme: Delivery date - this Thursday 10th August. Collect from the hall from 2:30pm.
We have approximately 25 dozen Original Glazed Doughnuts to sell $27 per dozen.
Please order and pay at the Tuckshop between 8-8:30am on Thursday 10th. Share this message around with your famlies and the community.
New Tuckshop Convener wanted: Please apply in writing with resume.
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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