From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to week 6!
It has been a very hectic couple of weeks. Many thanks to parents and carers for preparing your child so well for swimming.
Slade Point State School is always focused on improving communication with parents/carers and staff. Every day at school is busy and full of learning opportunities. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher to discuss any concerns or issues you may have.
Please also check in with your child’s teacher at the pick-up gates. Teachers are always available to confirm dates or times for the various activities that your child may be involved in. Notes that are sent home will have dates, days and payment details on them, as well as the times for various activities.
Today, Wednesday 16th August, our prep class will be going on an excursion to McCreedy’s Creek. This will be happening from 1:30 pm this afternoon. Prep A parents, please check your note for any final details. Please ensure you have returned your child’s permission note. Another note can be sourced from your classroom teacher if you have miss-placed the permission form.
There is always a member of the leadership team on duty in the UCA from 8 am each morning. Parents, carers and the community are also invited to check with this person about dates, times and organisational details for any school activity.
This Friday the 18th of August at 8:30 am, all parents, community and carers are invited to a special parade to wish Miss Teesha all the best for her new career adventure. Please join us for this special parade and we will be presenting a gift on behalf of the students, parents, support staff, teaching staff and P and C.
This Thursday will be Tree Day. Children can come in Free Dress. A gold coin donation is being requested. Please support our Tree Day! Thank you to Miss Drew and Miss Armstrong for all of your hard work with organising Tree Day!
Uncle Patrick is back to complete the dance he taught our Year 5 and Year 6 students at the start of the year. He is working with the students on Mondays at 9 am and the dates are listed below: - (this will entail leaving parade a little bit earlier, from 9 am).
AUG - 21st
SEPT - 4th
OCT - 9th
We will be confirming our participation in Awakening Spirits, 18th October at the MECC. This will be an opportunity for our students to perform their dance to other schools, parents and carers. All of our parents and community are invited. Tickets will need to be purchased. Enquiries via the MECC Ticketing Box.
We are seeking all Prep students for 2024. You are invited to Slade Point State School’s Getting-to- know-you sessions or they are better known as READY SET PREP.
We would like to help transition your child into their first year of schooling and allow you the opportunity to find out how you can participate in their learning.
A 4-week program plus a parents and carers meeting is being held at Slade Point State School. We are strongly encouraging a parent to attend with their child.
The dates are all Thursdays- Time: 1:45 pm-2.30pm:
- 5th October;
- 12th October;
- 19th October and;
- Concluding, Thursday 26th October
2024 Prep Interviews held, 9th and 16th November. Start booking now-Ring 49657333
The Parent Information meeting will be 2nd November at 2:00 pm. This program is open to ALL 2024 Prep aged students. Children must be born between 1st July 2018-30th June 2019
I am strongly supporting the partnership work that Slade Point and Pioneer High School have been establishing around scholarships and the extension program “Leap into Pioneer”- As a recipient of a Scholarship, this student is entitled to:
- $200 credit per year on the student account for 3 years (Years 7-9) - One-off $200 LOWES VOUCHER for School Uniforms. - Free entry into national Academic Competitions. - Name on the School’s Scholarship Honour Roll. - Entry into the Schools Learning Excellence at Pioneer (LEAP) Enrichment program.
Please note that our short PBL Parade will be held every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Our key message this week is reminding students about the school expectation:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Henderson and Miss Menzies for preparing our Choir and Ensemble for the Eisteddfod. Well done to all students!
The closing date for our school opinion survey is fast approaching. A friendly reminder to our families is being extended to complete the survey by August 18th. Invitations to participate in the School Opinion Survey was sent over a number of days in the week beginning Monday 17 July to all parents/caregivers. One parent/caregiver per family received an email. If you are unsure about how to complete the survey, please ask your child's teacher. No logins or passwords are needed, parents/caregivers can simply click on the link and complete the survey.
I am very excited to announce that our partnership with Pioneer High School continues to develop and some of our year 5 and year 6 students have been selected to participate in round 1 of the QAMAT Maths competition. This is part of the LEAP into Pioneer extension program. Good luck with your competition on Thursday 17th August.
Please ensure you return your Pioneer State High School enrolment packs by the end of week 6- 18th August.
During week 7 and on Wednesday 23rd August we will be conducting our Book Week Parade. The 2023 theme is: READ GROW INSPIRE. This will be in the hall at 9 am. All parents, community and carers are welcome to attend. Please enter the hall via our Pheasant Street Gate. Children are being asked to dress as their favourite book character and also bring their book to hold during the parade. Once again, we will be working in partnership with Pioneer State High School as some of our previous students will be returning to Slade Point to assist with the parade.
Fiona Forrest is bringing over her Leadership Pride students. Children will meet at the UCA at 8:45 am take their school bags to class and then assemble in the hall by 9 am. There will be prizes and judging from 10:00 am. Parents, community members and carers are invited to dress up as well. There will be an adult prize for the best dressed book character. We will have reading activities in the lower school classes. The Leadership Pride students will read with the students in grade Prep, Prep-1, Year 1, and Year 2.
Please support the P & C Father’s Day Stall on Wednesday 30th August. All money must be handed to the classroom teacher (preferably in a named envelope). The P & C will prepare a timetable for the classes to visit the stall.
All parents, carers and the community are invited to all activities on Culture Day. Please bring a plate of food to share on the day. Children are all encouraged to dress up in a costume from their country. Please support our annual Culture Day on Thursday 31st August.
Thank you to Aunty Waveney, Aunty Vik for starting to prepare our program. A very basic outline is as follows: -
9 am -10:45 am- Hall Concert, 11:30-12:55 pm -Rotational Activities, Shared Lunch in the UCA and 1:30-2:25 pm - Rotational activities continue.
Prep Mrs Tasi | Mexico |
Prep / 1 Miss O’Mara | Ireland |
Year 1 Mrs Matulovic | Kenya (Africa) |
Year 2 Miss Causon | Africa |
Year 2 / 3 Miss Hodson | Italy |
Year 3 Miss Thorpe | Polynesian Cultures |
Year 4 Miss Sandrey | Māori culture |
Year 5 Miss Usher | Spain |
Year 6 Miss Blackman | America |
Term Three Events: -
- High school enrolment packs due– week 6, 18th August;
- Pioneer Year 7 Scholarships due back on the 15th September;
- Pioneer State High School Year 6 Interviews TBC week 7 and week 8;
- Book Week Parade-week 7, 23rd August 9 am in the hall (all parents, carers and community welcome). Dress as your favourite book character. Students walk in the parade with their books.
- STEM Punks year 5 and year 6 students – Week 8, Tuesday 29th August
- Father’s Day Stall – Week 8, Wednesday 30th August
- Culture Day- week 8, 31st August (all parents, carers and community welcome);
- Rewards-Celebration Day-Lawn Bowls - week 10 Tuesday 12th September
- Community Breakfast — will be held in the 4th term;
- Pupil Free Day Friday 1st September — School is Closed;
- Swimming Carnival– week 10 Thursday 14th September – parents, carers and community all welcome to attend the Memorial Pool;
- Last day of term 3-week 10 Friday 15th September;
Term Four Save this Date: -
- Ready Set Prep 5th October, 12th October, 19th October and concluding Thursday 26th October;
- Year 5 and Year 6 Camp- Week 8 – Seaforth Outdoor Recreation Centre; Donations for morning and afternoon students are kindly requested to bring (Boys-Fruit) (Girls-Baked Items/biscuits). The students will be leaving on Wednesday and arriving back on Friday at 2:50 pm. Final payment to be confirmed;
- Community Breakfast – week 6 - 7th November;
- Awards Morning -week 10, Monday 4th December;
- Year 6 Graduation-week 10 - Wednesday evening 6th December (Mackay Surf Club) 6:30 pm $17.50 per person Dinner and Dessert;
- All 2024 Year 7 students attend a full orientation day at PSH Tuesday-week 9 28th of November 8:30 am to 2:30 pm;
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Angie Malone Acting Principal
Parade Awards
Student of the Week 5: Emelia, Kaos, Maverick, Avayah, Kailahni, Sofia, Georgia & Jacob. Due to Lynn's absence on Friday their certificates will be presented on parade next Monday.
Wheel of Attendance Winners for Week 6: Caroline, Maleayah, Mykeisha, Leearni, Jerry, Matilda, Angella,Shayla & Jaliso.
My New Gallery
My New Gallery
This month Slade Point was very proud to send two groups to compete in the Mackay Eisteddfod at the MECC. The school choir performed on Friday, followed by string ensemble on Monday.
It was a fantastic opportunity to experience performing on stage in a large auditorium, as well as seeing other schools from around Mackay. Both groups looked very smart in their Slade Point cultural shirts and represented our school well. There were some nerves but a lot of excitement too and we gained valuable experience that will make our music groups even better in the future.
Thanks to Miss Menzies for accompanying the choir on piano and for preparing the string ensemble, the parents who helped with transport and those who came along to support us. Look out 2024!
Mrs Henderson
Music Teacher
P and C News
Father's Day Stall is coming up.
We are wanting donations of small gifts that would be appropiate for this stall please. Keyrings, lollies, stubby coolers, pens, tape measures....etc. Please drop off at the Tuckshop. Paper bags, or paper bags with handles would also be handy.
Please mark this date off if you can help on the day - helping the children choose their gift, setting up, wrapping etc. Many hands make light work on this day.
Thank you!
My New Gallery
Thank you everyone who supported the Doughnut Fundraiser. We received and delivered and incredible 350 dozen boxes of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. A big thank you to the helpers on the day making this all go smoothly.
Tuckshop: There will be no tuckshop available for the Prep and Year 1 at 1st break this Friday due to being off site for their the last swimming day. Years 2 to 6 can order as normal for 1st lunch only.
PSHS Scholarships for 2024
As a recipient of a Scholarship, this student is entitled to:
- $200 credit per year on the student account for 3 years (Years 7-9)
- One-off $200 LOWES VOUCHER for School Uniforms.
- Free entry into National Academic Competitions.
- Name on the School's Scholarship Honour Roll.
- Entry into the Schools Learning Excellence at Pioneer (LEAP) Enrichment program.
There are 3 different Scholarship Applications:
- Academic
- Sporting
- Culture
Students can collect an application from their class teacher or the office. Please return completed applications to the school office by Friday 8th September.
- Swimming lesson this Friday! Bring your swim gear!
- Culture Day - Thursday 31st August.
- Student Free Day - Friday 1st September. School will be closed this day.
Prep Enrolment Information
We are now accepting enrolments for Prep class in 2024.
If you child is born between 1st July 2018 & 30th June 2019 they are eligible for prep class in Queensland schools in 2024.
Please call to our office and collect an enrolment pack.
We encourage all parents to sign up to QParents - which is an online portal.
QParents provides an easy way for parents to interact with our school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child's information through a smartphone, tablet or computer. The Department of Education & Training considers student information to be confidential. QParents is a secure portal that meets strict industry standards. Only people with the right to access information about their child will be given an account. Additionally, as port of the registration process, 100 points of identity will be need to be presented to prove that the person who is registering is the person the school invited.
QParents provides secure, online access to student information such as:
- attendance details - report cards - invoices.
Parents can view or update their child's details such as change of parent phone number or address without having to come to the school office. You may pay invoices directly and report student absences through this portal.
Parents will have received an email giving a code to set up the QParents account. If you do not have this code, please see Mrs Reck in the office. Invitation sent by email will only ever come from and not from any other email address or organisation.
Community News
One envelope per student. Sibling photos to be ordered on eldest child's envelope only.
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